Return By Air – Tracey Jerald Page 0,61

the last topic of conversation for tonight. Us.”

Kara slaps her hand on my chest. “Don’t confuse things for Kevin, Jennings,” she warns me.

“For Kevin, or you and me?” I counter.

While she’s trying to come back with a retort to that, I tug her body just a little closer to mine. “I really want to kiss you, Kara,” I tell her honestly.

Her whole body jerks at the idea before she tries to wave off my confession. “Proximity, nothing more.”

“So, you’re saying what we’re both starting to feel again is because we’re handy to one another?” I ask incredulously.

A flash of confusion crosses her face. “What else could it be?”

“You just said you need facts; maybe you need proof,” I rumble before my head drops down to shadow her face from the car light glowing on either side of her.

“This isn’t a good idea,” she says breathlessly. “We’re trying to work things out for our son, not trying to resurrect something that’s—”

“No, I think it’s because you’re the one I was meant to find.”

“How can you say that when years ago you let me go?” The hurt in her voice can’t be hidden.

“I don’t have a good answer, Kara. God, I wish to fuck I did. I only know what I’m starting to feel now.” My head lowers more.

“Jennings.” Despite the wary hunger I can see lighting her face, her voice is a plea for mercy, something she’s fearful to express.

My nose glides against hers gently. The breath escapes from our mouths in little puffs of air, swirling between us like smoke before it disappears in between more harsh, heated exhales. “I won’t take it from you, Kara.” My lips are brushing against hers with every movement. “You have to be willing to meet me halfway.”

“Haven’t I already?” she sighs in resignation before pressing her lips tentatively against mine.

It’s all the invitation I need.

Giving her all the freedom to break away, I leave my arm on the door, just sliding my fingers over to grab the end for purchase. My other hand threads under the strands of her silky-smooth hair to cradle her head as our lips touch for the first time in what feels like an eternity.

And the minute they do, I realize I’m not just in trouble; I’ve just lost control.

As my tongue slips past her parting lips, I’m slammed with memories colliding the past with the present. Back then, right now, Kara tastes of the cinnamon flavor she adored in anything—gum, coffee, mints. I’m thrilled with the memory as much as with the kiss that brought it to me. I want to howl in elation as I dip in to taste her over and over.

But at the same time, the raging beast of jealousy inside me rears its ugly head. Unlike then, the woman in my arms knows how to kiss me back. Her tongue flicks at mine. She pulls back enough to nip and suck at my lower lip before I seize control of our kiss again, trying to obliterate the thought of the men, any man, who had his lips on her in between our then and now.

It’s completely irrational, but I don’t care. There’s nothing Kara will be able to say that scientifically proves it, but down to the bottom of my soul, I know she’s mine. And in the fragmented darkness, this kiss is our first step back to becoming an us.

We’re so enveloped in each other’s arms, we’ve forgotten where we are. My body is trembling as it holds the door shielding her from view. A low moan emits from her throat just as I hear called out, “Mom, is that you? Are you back from dinner with Jennings?”

And it’s like a cold bucket of water being thrown over both of us. Kara jerks out of my arms with a squeak. Her trembling hand lifts to cover her mouth. “What the hell am I doing?”

“No. Don’t regret what just happened,” I plead. Not seconds after it did anyway. But judging by the walls already being slammed up behind her eyes, I know it’s too late. I want to howl in frustration, but that will do me no good. Not when I’m trying to prove to all of us, including myself, I’m in this for the long haul.

“I’m sorry.” I step away, giving her some space. “You’re right.”

She blinks at me as if she’s never seen me before, let alone been so intimate with me, the results of which are likely upstairs watching TV. “Excuse Copyright 2016 - 2024