Return By Air – Tracey Jerald Page 0,47

gone, I like Kara’s idea of not letting their memories die. Especially for our son.

“Flying,” I blurt out, shifting the focus away from Kevin’s discomfort and back to his questions.

“Really? Like, what kind of planes?” His eyes narrow.

Yep, definitely an interview. I sit up straighter and fold my hands around my cup. “Well, I’m qualified to fly everything up to and including a Gulfstream, but the plane I fly most often for work is a Pilatus PC-12 Turbo-Prop. My personal plane is a Cessna 172.”

“I get a Gulfstream is big; what’s the difference between the other two?” The hostility slips slightly as curiosity takes over. So, without pandering to his age, I explain the difference between the different types of planes, what they can do, and why I use them. Because I keep the explanation straightforward, I estimate that takes me all of five minutes. I prepare myself for my next question, so it’s almost a relief when he asks like a typical teenager, “You own them all?”

I’m about to answer, when Kara frowns before saying, “Kevin.” It’s a rebuke but a gentle one.

He mumbles, “Sorry, Mom,” before explaining, “It’s just the only people I can think of who own their own planes are celebrities. You didn’t tell me my father was like that.”

Shame is making my heart beat erratically. “I’m not, Kevin. I should have explained I own an air charter service in Seattle where I live.”

A myriad of expressions fly across his face before confusion finally lands. “I don’t know what that is,” he admits.

“There are a number of small islands around Washington state people live on. So, boats and planes are used to get everything onto and off of the islands.”

“Like what?” His inquisitive nature is making this easier than I expected.

I don’t realize I’ve spoken aloud until Kara’s calm facade drops. She tosses her head back, laughing. “You say that now, Jennings, but I would have loved for you to have been the one to answer his questions about why Elmo is red.”

“My answer would likely not have been anywhere as good as yours, Kara. I would have probably said something about the creators liking a bold color for their craziest character,” I jest.

There’s no way I could have predicted what happened next.

Kevin starts coughing while Kara’s mouth hangs open in stunned silence. “What? Was it something I said?” I’m bewildered.

Kara shakes her head to get her bearings. “I apologize, it’s just—”


Kevin answers for her. “That’s pretty close to what she said, Jennings.” With a private smile, he picks up the pen he placed next to his list and scratches off a question near the bottom of the list. I feel a crazy burst of pride I survived another question without trying. “Now, back to flying. Are you like FedEx with overnight delivery?”

Deadpan, I tell him, “Does FedEx transport bodies?”

I lift my coffee to hide my smile when Kevin screeches, “Bodies?”

Just then our waiter comes back. His words wipe the smile right off my face when he asks, “Before you ask where he hid the dead ones, would you like to place your order?”

Being interrupted erases the ease off Kevin’s face. My muscles bunch as my temper slips. Kara quickly leans across the table, places her hand on mine, before saying, “Let me.”

Breathing hard, I settle back. Over time, I hope Kara learns to trust me enough to protect our son. And maybe when we’re all together, her. But right now, I have to let her handle this.

“What’s your name?” Kara asks with false sweetness. This must be her teacher-to-student face. Suddenly intrigued, I sit back to watch her work.

“Um, Patrick,” the kid, not much older than Kevin, stammers.

“Well, Patrick, let me take a moment to explain something I was taught by Henry James.”

“Do I care?” he snarks.

I’m about to jerk Kara and Kevin out of there when Kara quotes the literary genius. “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” Her smile fades before her next words come out. “You work in an industry where you rely on the benevolence of strangers for your livelihood. It behooves you to behave in a manner accordingly.”

Instead of addressing Kara, he bumps Kevin’s arm. “Does she talk to you like this a lot?”

Kevin doesn’t hesitate before answering. “Yeah.”

“Then maybe you can translate, because I have no idea what the hell she just said.”

And much to my immense satisfaction, my son Copyright 2016 - 2024