Return By Air – Tracey Jerald Page 0,32

I can find out the scoop.” Pulling out of my arms, she opens a small cabinet to the right of the stove which sports an impressive collection of sealed hot-sauce bottles. “Jed sent those to Brad over the years.”

My heart trips at her words. “He used to send me newspaper clippings and online articles about the local economy along with real estate listings,” I share. I would file them under a special folder titled “Jed’s Craziness.” Only he wasn’t so crazy. He was trying to pull my head out of my ass.

Likely misinterpreting the look of pain on my face, Rainey is quick to continue. “There are at least a case of them in the basement, and that doesn’t account for those in both of our refrigerators. Please.” She turns sparkling blue eyes up at me which haven’t changed since I first met her twenty years ago. “Help me by using some to doctor your food.”

I understand what she’s really asking is for help to get Brad over his grief by releasing some of the memories. “Honey, after tonight, I don’t think he’s going to have that problem,” I reassure her.

“Really?” she says hopefully.

“I think he’s going to be too focused on worrying about me,” I mutter.

Rainey narrows her eyes. “What did you do, Jennings?”

Brad steps into the kitchen with a case of beer he pulled up from the basement, saving me from having to answer. “Kids to your sister’s first, babe. Then, we’ll talk while we’re eating.” Tearing open the box, he hands me a bottle.


“Second drawer to your right,” Rainey responds. “Honey?” she calls to Brad as I uncap my beer, pocketing the cap.

“Yeah? Jennings, toss it here.” I underhand pitch it to him. He easily catches it before using it to open his bottle.

“Am I going to want to hurt Jennings?” Rainey asks sweetly.

Brad takes a long pull of his beer before answering honestly. “Maybe.”

“Great. Just great. Luckily for you, Jennings, the tequila is already chilling.” She stomps over to the pantry and scans it. “Now, do we have tomato juice…”

“Tomato juice?”

Without turning around, she hisses, “Lime after shots is…crap. I used the juice in the chili. I’ll just have to pace myself by doing a shot and then eating a bite of food.” Backing out, she slams the door closed. “You’d better talk fast.”

Rainey’s sister, Meadow, bursts through the door. “I’m sorry I’m late!” Kody’s head snaps around. His face lights up at seeing her since they used to be close years ago, but she breezes past him. I don’t miss his quick frown before he’s distracted by Brad’s son.

“Hold on, I have chili for you,” Rainey calls to her sister.

“Thank God. I was wondering what I was going to feed the monsters. Hey, Brad.” She gives her brother-in-law a quick hug. “Good to see you, Jennings.”

I tip up my lips and hold out my hand. “Same. Thanks for helping out.”

She shrugs. “Not a problem. We swap kids all the time.” She hefts the bag.

“Can I help with that?” I ask immediately.

“Try a diaper bag sometime,” she jokes.

I really would have liked to. Regret washes through me that I wasn’t able to be there for Kevin’s early years.

“All right, Meyers munchkins. Let’s go! Get your coats and bags. I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry!” Meadow calls out as she rushes out of the kitchen after exchanging a quick kiss with her sister. Within moments, after Meadow departs with the kids, calm descends on the house. Kody and Nick join us in the kitchen. Nick looks no worse for the wear, but Kody’s shirt is untucked and he looks less than his usual pressed self. But the smile on his face can’t be faked.

“Had fun?” I direct the question at him.

“Kids are great. Almost makes me want to look at settling down,” he admits.

Brad’s about to open his mouth, but Nick beats him to it. “Or you could just get them full grown like Jennings did. Then you can miss the whole diaper stage. You still have the fun of diving into the fun of teenage adolescence though.”

Kody sighs. Brad shakes his head. I just wait, but I don’t have to for long. Rainey’s screech, of “What?” can likely be heard down the street at her sister’s house.

Brad tries to placate her. “Now, honey…”

“Don’t you ‘now, honey’ me, Bradley Meyers. What the hell is Nick talking about? No, wait.” Before I can even answer, Rainey goes to the freezer and pulls out the tequila. Uncapping Copyright 2016 - 2024