Retribution (Kall Alien Warriors #3) - Sue Lyndon Page 0,4

I actually have some news about Betsy that I was planning to tell you today. But don’t worry—it’s good news. At least, I think it is.”

“What is it?” Layla crouched on the edge of her seat, desperate for any news about the dear friend she would likely never see again. Humans were no longer welcome on planet Kall as tourists, and even if they were, she would never be permitted to visit a human slave.

“Merokk saw her name on a list of recent marriage licenses that were dispensed in Sumlin District on planet Kall, which is the district where Betsy was sold as a slave. Apparently, she ended up marrying her master—a Kall commander by the name of Edek. I don’t know any other details, only that the marriage license was approved in a special council session and they wed the very day the license was issued.”

Disbelief swirled through Layla. Oh my God. Her heart leapt a moment later, because she knew enough about Kall culture to realize the lengths Commander Edek must’ve gone to in order to secure permission to marry Betsy, his human slave. Such marriages were extremely rare on planet Kall.

“This is… shocking news,” Layla said after a long pause, during which she tried to gather her thoughts. “But I think you’re right—it must be good news. Perhaps they fell in love.” Oh, please let it be true. Happy tears brimmed in her eyes and she blinked rapidly, but she soon gave up the fight and wiped at her cheeks as she sniffled.

Fiona grinned and briefly placed a hand on Layla’s knee. “Merrok explained to me how unusual such a marriage is and said he suspects the commander must have feelings for Betsy if he went to the trouble of calling for a special council session. He also said the commander probably had to either threaten or bribe the council in order to get the license.”

“Do you think Merokk could pass a message to Commander Edek for me, that Edek might pass along to Betsy?”

Mischief glinted in Fiona’s eyes. “I have already asked Merokk and the answer is yes. Once Merokk gets home, he can help you send the message on his interplanetary communicator. He should be back home tonight just before dinnertime.”

Relief and joy mingled in Layla’s chest. Her entire life was crumbling around her, but knowing Betsy was likely faring well on planet Kall filled her with hope.

“Thank you, Fiona. You and Merokk have become wonderful friends to me. I am grateful for you both.” Even though Merokk could be standoffish at times, he’d always treated her with kindness and never prevented her from seeing Fiona, even though Layla had had a hand in deceiving him all those months ago when he’d believed he was marrying Betsy.

“I’m grateful for our friendship too,” Fiona said, rising to her feet. She glanced behind her at the door. “If you’ll just excuse me quickly, I’m going to inform our Head of Security, Rentzaq, that you are staying with us and Michael should be considered an unwelcome guest if he shows up. I’ll be right back.”

“Of course, and thank you.” Guilt settled upon Layla as she watched her friend depart the room. She was touched that Fiona was protecting her from Michael, but she felt terrible that she wasn’t confessing the whole truth—that Michael might be involved with the human rebels who sought to overthrow the Kall.

It was just some flyers. He could’ve found them on the street.

She prayed he wasn’t truly involved with the doomed cause.

When Fiona returned a few minutes later, her face was drawn in lines of worry. She rushed into the room, closing the door behind her, and hurried to sit beside Layla. She tucked her auburn hair behind her ears in a nervous manner.

“What’s wrong?” Layla asked.

“Rentzaq just told me some terrible news. Before I informed him that we were no longer heading out to the café, he told me that it wasn’t safe to venture out today. Apparently, a Kall female was murdered on the street not far from here by a human man. I’m afraid I don’t know any further details. I don’t even know if the man was caught. The Kall female was the wife of General Zamek.”

Horror washed through Layla. The rebels. Oh God, what if it was the rebels?

What if it was…

She gave her head a slight shake, not allowing herself to complete the thought.

I know my purpose.

Michael’s words came back to her now and her blood ran cold.

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