Retribution (Kall Alien Warriors #3) - Sue Lyndon Page 0,31

Her face was flushed, and her chest rose and fell rapidly. Through the silk of her dress, he noticed the points of her hardened nipples. His cock shifted at the sight. They probably tasted like berries, ripe and ready for the picking, and he wanted to bite down on those berries until she gave a moan of discomfort, and then he would lave at them and ease her pain, before suckling the buds until she cried out in pleasure.

His entire body heated and vibrated with need.

He guided her toward the bed, but she halted in place, her eyes growing wide as she stared at it. Uncertainty flared in her gaze when she looked at him. She gave a deep sigh that caused her shoulders to heave.

“Can I ask you a question, General?”

He grasped her hand. “Anything.” He would promise her every moon in the sector if she would agree to become his right now.

“Do I have a choice?”

It took him a moment to comprehend her meaning. He released her hand and took a step back, though putting any amount of distance between them pained him. His arms ached with the need to gather her close so he could bury his face in her soft tresses.

“Yes,” he finally replied. “You have a choice, human. I will not force myself on you.”

Her head tilted to the side and she appeared perplexed. “But I’m never going to be free to leave you and you basically own my life. Legally, you could do whatever you wanted to me.”

“Yes,” he admitted, “legally, I could.”

Even though everything inside him screamed to tear off her clothes and claim her, he wasn’t a monster. He’d never taken a female by force and he wasn’t about to start. Even the servant girls he’d tumbled as a young warrior had been willing to warm his bed. He would not wield his power in such a way over Layla.

Again, the urge to win her trust filled him.

“I-I shouldn’t want this,” she whispered, giving him a conflicted look. “I-I should want you to stay far away from me.”

“I shouldn’t want this either,” he admitted, stepping closer, “but I do.” He reached for her hands and moved in front of her. “All I can think about is stripping off your clothes and glimpsing your soft pale flesh. I want to kiss you all over and drag my teeth over your skin, marking you as mine. I want to ram into you from behind and claim you. You’re the greatest temptation I’ve ever had to resist, and, by the ancient gods, I don’t want to resist you anymore, human.” He leaned down, allowing his lips to brush across her earlobe. “I want to fuck you until you are raw.”

She shivered and a needy whimper drifted from her kiss-swollen lips.

“I can smell your arousal,” he continued, pulling back to peer into her lust-glazed eyes.

“I imagine you can,” she said with a deep blush. “I-I know Kall have heightened senses compared to humans. I know I can’t hide it from you. I wish I could, but I can’t.”

He growled. “Does it embarrass you, little human, knowing that I’ll always be able to tell when you’re achy between your thighs?”

She gave another whimper but didn’t reply. Her eyes were dilated, and her breaths kept increasing, as did the scent of her feminine essence in the air.

Fluxx, he suspected she would taste like Uxtollian honey.

“If you wish for me to leave, Layla, just say the words. Otherwise, I’m going to take you to bed and fuck you senseless.”

Unease spread through him as he waited for her to order him out. He stared at her for a long, tense moment. If she asked him to leave, it would take all his self-control to walk out of the brig without having his way with her. But he would do it. He wouldn’t take what was not freely given. He couldn’t fathom hurting the sweet human in this way. He’d already hurt her enough.

But if she consented—he would make good use of her permission.

Without saying a word, she backed away until her legs hit the bed and she fell onto it, scooting up to the pillows as if making herself comfortable.

“I’m probably the stupidest human alive, but I’m not about to ask you to leave.”

He pounced on her in the next moment. Crawling atop her, he kissed her hard and reveled in her tiny moans and desperate whimpers. His cock thickened and he pressed his erection against her stomach through their Copyright 2016 - 2024