Restraint - Adriana Locke Page 0,69

And while I’m sure she’s lovely, a hug seems a little overkill.

Holt chuckles beside me.

“We’re glad you could make it, Blaire,” Rodney says.

“I’m happy to be here.”

“We’re happy you’re here too.” Larissa sticks a hand across Oliver. “You can call me Riss.”

I give her hand a gentle shake. “It’s nice to meet you.”

My shoulders relax as I take in Larissa’s genuine friendliness. I wasn’t expecting it, but maybe I should have.

She’s about Sienna’s age and is as cute as a button. She has the same disarming way about her as Sienna too.

I instantly like her, which is weird for me.

“I’d shake your hand, Blaire, but—” Boone begins, but Holt cuts him off.

“But I’d kick your ass.”

“Oh, the hell you would.”

The entire family laughs except for their parents. They’re engrossed in a conversation with a couple sitting behind them.

I try to ignore the way my heart hiccups as Holt takes my hand again. I’m not even sure he realizes that he’s done it, but I’m sure as heck not going to pull it away.

“I think Holt would take you, Boone,” Wade says. He takes off his black-rimmed glasses and looks at his younger brother. “You don’t have a whole lot going for you besides a lot of mouth.”

“What?” Boone’s jaw drops. “You’re supposed to be on my side here, fucker.”

“Everyone’s money is on Holt,” Oliver says. “Shut up, Boone.”

Boone looks at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes I’ve ever seen. It’s ridiculously adorable.

“You know what?” I say with a laugh. “It doesn’t matter because we can’t reach each other to shake hands anyway.”

“They’re always like this,” Larissa says. “They’re a lot to deal with.”

“I have three brothers and two boy cousins that are a lot to deal with too,” I say. “This doesn’t bother me.”

“You should see it when Coy is around. It gets ridiculous,” she says.

“He must be like my cousin Peck. The instigator.”

“Totally.” She laughs. “He threatened to have me come on stage tonight and dance. I told him I will flat-out refuse and ruin his show.”

Ruin his show?

I don’t know exactly what my face does, but Larissa balks.

“Oops,” she groans.

“I …” I look at Holt, who is pointedly not looking at me. “Do you want to explain why your brother would ask your cousin to come on stage?”

Holt bites his bottom lip. The lines around his eyes crinkle, making him look more like his father.

My heartbeat quickens.

He doesn’t say a word. Just works hard not to smile.

“Fine.” I peer around him again. “Larissa, why would your cousin Coy ask you to come on stage tonight?”

She looks at Holt. Then at me. Then at Holt again.

“Hey, kids,” Siggy calls from the other end of the aisle. “I forgot to tell you. Coy has to leave town earlier than expected tomorrow. Can you all come at ten for brunch instead? I know you all have lives and things, but it would mean a lot to have you all at home for a quick meal.”

Oh my God.

They all turn to their mother except Holt. I think he’s too afraid to look away from me.

“So, Kelvin McCoy is my brother,” Holt tells me.


I put it all together before this, but to hear it out of his mouth is insane. My brain chooses this exact moment to replay all the things I’ve said about the band and the music and …


“You jerk,” I say, my brain still processing all this.

I’m not mad about this, just shocked. It’s kind of funny that I didn’t know because everyone probably does.

Everyone but me.

Damn him.

Holt grins like the cat that caught the canary.

“His name is Coy Kelvin Mason,” he says. “He goes by Kelvin McCoy, which is also the name of the band—which is weird to me, but I’m not in charge.”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “I’m so embarrassed.”

Holt’s body rumbles beside me.

“I mean it,” I tell him. “Why did you let me go on and on about him?”

“It was funny.”

“It’s totally not funny at all,” I say with a laugh.

He lifts my chin with his finger, and I open my eyes. He’s peering into my face with a sweet sincerity that makes my stomach flip-flop.

“Maybe I should’ve told you,” he says softly. “But it was adorable that you didn’t know. Besides, if I told you, I wouldn’t have anything to tease you about.”

I study him. His eyes are sweet and concerned yet have the hint of trouble that I love so much. His thumb brushes over my knuckles.

“It’s fine,” I tell Copyright 2016 - 2024