Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,88

tired-looking man in scrubs walked into the room, effectively cutting Gabe’s presumably supportive speech short.

“I’m looking for the family of Jenna Shaw.”

“That’s us,” Gabe informed him.

Everyone gathered in close to hear what the man had to say.

Giving the group a suspicious glance, the doctor hesitated a moment before accepting Gabe’s word and continuing on.

“All right, well…Miss Shaw is out of surgery and on her way to recovery.”

“And?” Adrian took a step closer to the other man. “How is she? She’s going to be okay, right?”

She had to be okay. He wouldn’t accept any other outcome.

“Miss Shaw lost a lot of blood,” the man began. “But the compound that was applied on the flight here no doubt saved her life.” Once again, he assessed the men in the room. “It’s unlike anything I’ve seen before.”

“And you won’t see it again, I assure you.” Ryker stepped forward. “Homeland Security Agent Jason Ryker.” He shook the doctor’s hand. “The compound in question is property of the United States Military. Its contents and formula are patented and classified, so I’ll need you and your surgical staff to sign non-disclosures as soon as you’re able.”

The surgeon blinked. “Uh…sure. Okay.”

“Can we focus on Jenna, please?” Adrian scowled at Ryker. “Doc, you were saying?”

“Yes, um…as I was saying. Miss Shaw lost a lot of blood, but thanks to the treatment she received in transport, she didn’t reach critical levels. Still, we went ahead and gave her a few units to help her body replenish and start healing at a more normal rate.”

“What about her injuries?” he asked with bated breath. “Did the bullet…did it damage anything significant?”

“Most of the damage was in the muscular tissue between the bottom of the right kidney and the top portion of the large intestine. Somehow, every major organ was avoided when the bullet struck. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

I have a very good aim, Adrian. I did not want her death to be quick, therefore I did not shoot at a major organ.

Rather than giving Jenna a slow, painful death as Matais had intended, his precision aim had helped save Jenna’s life.

Take that, you sick fuck.

“Miss Shaw also has a concussion that will be monitored during her stay here,” the doctor continued. “Also, we’ve continued the course of IV antibiotics to fight off possible infection from both the gunshot wound and the cuts on her wrists.”

Adrian’s stomach turned thinking about the wounds he’d seen on her delicate skin. Wounds that would most likely scar.

Just more proof of how fierce and determined the woman was. Of how hard she’d fought to get herself free.

“So you’re saying…”

“With rest and proper care, I believe Miss Shaw will make a full recovery. She’s a very lucky young woman.”

A collective sigh filled the room, but Adrian was too busy trying not to lose it in front of everyone to join in.

“You hear that?” Gabe slapped his shoulder. “Told you our Jenna would never give up that easily.”

Our Jenna.

Adrian swallowed a ball of dread. He thought she was his. Had convinced himself she belonged to him. But now…

How was he supposed to face her ever again? The very thought of seeing the hatred and betrayal in her eyes when she looked back at him…

As strong as he was, that was something he knew he couldn’t handle.

“Can we see her?” Gabe asked the surgeon.

“Since she’ll be in recovery for a while, I’ll allow one of you to go back. But only for a few minutes.”


He blinked and turned toward Gabe. “What?”

“The doctor said one of us can go back and see her.” The former SEAL grinned. “Figure she’ll want to see your ugly mug first.”

“Oh uh…no. You go ahead.”

Gabe’s brow furrowed. “You don’t want to see Jenna?”

More than anything.

“I do, but you’ve known her a hell of a lot longer than I have. And, like you said before, she’s your family. Besides”—he rubbed the tight muscles at the back of his neck—“I’m sure Elle’s on pins and needles waiting for a detailed update from you,’s better if you go in there first.”

“Okay.” Gabe’s gray eyes assessed him a little too closely. “If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

With a nod, he said, “I’ll come get you to switch out when I’m done.”

Adrian forced a smile. “Thanks.”

He watched Bravo’s leader leave with the surgeon. The others took turns shaking his hand and expressing how happy they were to hear Jenna was going to be okay.

When the conversation died down a bit, Adrian excused himself to go to the restroom. Picking Copyright 2016 - 2024