Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,69

at first Jenna’s heartrate spiked because she thought it was a gun, but she quickly realized it was only a phone.

“Gracias, Sebastian.” The man in charge dipped his chin in appreciation.

“De nada.”

Okay, so goon number one’s name is Sebastian. Good to know.

After swiping his finger across the screen, Matais pointed the phone’s camera directly at her. “Say cheese.”

Jenna squinted and turned her head away as the camera’s bright flash blinded her.

“Not your best side, but it will do.”

His tone reminded Jenna of the sadistic killers she’d watched get taken down by Derek Morgan and the BAU. Except this wasn’t some random Criminal Minds episode, and she wasn’t Derek’s baby girl.

No, I belong to Adrian. And he belongs to me.

God, she wished he was here right now, because unlike some fictional character, Adrian Walker was very real. And very deadly.

He would snap these three men like the pathetic twigs they were.

Sebastian and the other man chuckled as Matais typed something out on the phone. With a smirk, he looked back up at her and grinned.

“It is done.”

“What’s done?” she demanded to know. “What the hell do you want from me?”

“Oh, it’s not what I want from you.” He came closer. “It’s what I want from your boyfriend.”

Shock reverberated through her entire system. Had she heard him wrong? She had to have heard the bastard wrong.

“Adrian?” His name escaped on a whisper. As if she were afraid to say it aloud. “W-what do you want with him?”

“Revenge, Miss Shaw.” He reached for her, then. His evil eyes searing into hers as he brushed some hair from her face. “And when Mr. Walker comes to your rescue, I will finally get it.”

Jenna jerked back as far as the chair would allow, a fresh wave of terror rolling over her as she tried to comprehend what the man had just said.

This man wanted to hurt Adrian? Her Adrian?

Shock and fear stole her ability to speak. Her mind whirled with the unfathomable reality that what was happening had nothing to do with her.

Matais Ortiz hadn’t ordered Ben Campillo’s death and her abduction for the purpose of selling her. And this clearly wasn’t about her probing into the case of the two missing nurses.

This whole thing—the club, her being brought here, the picture Matais has just taken of her bruised and battered face…it was all being done for one purpose.

To lure Adrian into a trap.

God, no. Please don’t let him come here!

For the duration of her captivity, Jenna had been praying for Adrian to come. Each time the darkness pulled her under, she’d dream of seeing his ruggedly handsome face.

She’d imagined him bursting through the door, taking out the bad guys, and carrying her away in his strong, comforting arms. More than once, Jenna had found herself begging God and the universe to show him the way.

But now…now that fantasy had turned into something horrible. A reality she would never wish on anyone.

Especially not the man she loved.

Because while she may not understand why, Jenna knew with utter certainty that Matais Ortiz planned to kill Adrian. And he was going to use her to do it.

“About damn time.”

It was the only greeting Adrian gave the man who’d just entered Gabe’s large hotel suite.

“Walker.” Jason Ryker’s lips pressed into a thin, arrogant. line. With a hint of amusement, his dark gaze lowered to Adrian’s obvious limp. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you get shot the last time I saw you?”

Flipping the Homeland Security Agent the bird, Adrian passed by him to rejoin the others.

Looking past him, Gabe asked Ryker, “What do we know?”

Adrian appreciated the man’s desire to get right to it.

Dressed in his usual dark suit and white button-up, Ryker held out a thick manilla folder for the Bravo leader. “It’s all in here.”

“You expect us to read through that shit?” Adrian scowled. “We don’t have that kind of time, Jason. Jenna doesn’t have that kind of time.”

Between the two days he’d lost while being in a fucking coma and spending all day today trying to figure shit out, it had now been damn near three days since anyone had seen her.

Earlier, when he and Gabe were still back at Jenna’s hotel room, Adrian had taken the fastest shower of his life—not an easy task while trying to keep his left leg dry.

Gabe had used that time to call the others and have them head to Bravo’s hotel right then. He’d also informed Ryker of the fucked-up situation.

Once everyone was gathered in Gabe’s suite, Copyright 2016 - 2024