Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,65

Gabe gave him a pointed look. “Someone who knew you were going to meet Ben.”

He shook his head. “Ben was the only person who knew we were coming.”

The raised brow on Gabe’s chiseled face irked him.

“For the millionth time, he wouldn’t fucking sell me out.”

“He would if he didn’t have a choice,” Nate added quietly.

Gabe looked down at his phone. “You think he was being blackmailed?”

“I mean, it’s a stretch, but it’s always a possibility.”

“It’s a hell of a stretch,” Adrian seethed. “That would mean the person responsible would’ve had to have gotten to Ben sometime between when I called to set up the meeting and the shooting. That’s a small fucking window.”

“It is,” Gabe agreed. “But I think it’s one we need to crawl through. Think about it, Adrian.” He stepped toward him. “The guy drove himself and Jenna straight from the crime scene to that house. Why?”

“The big guy’s right, Walker,” Nate chimed back in. “That house has been empty for months. The owners moved to Wisconsin to be closer to family, and none of them…not even a distant relative of theirs, has a known connection to Ben.”

Guess Carter’s been keeping himself busy.

A stretch of silence spanned a few seconds before Nate spoke up again.

“I’ll go back through Campillo’s cell records and emails. Maybe I missed something.”

“Check his work line and email, too,” Gabe instructed. “If someone was forcing his hand on this, it’s possible they contacted him that way.”

Adrian felt sick even considering the possibility that Ben was involved with people who would do this sort of thing. It went against every single instinct he had about the man.

Everyone has a price when their hand is being forced. You know this better than anyone.

The voice in his head was right. The CIA and Homeland had used his sister’s disappearance to force his hand. Maybe someone found something of Ben’s to use against him

His wife and kid. Money. Something the man would’ve considered worth the cost of selling him out and handing over Jenna. Something that had cost the man his life.

While he hated even thinking it, Adrian had to accept it as a possibility. Because this was Jenna they were talking about.

Despite his efforts to the contrary, the sexy redhead had wormed her way past his concrete walls and settled herself deep inside his heart. She was a part of him, now. And without her, he realized he’d have nothing.

“Thanks, Carter,” Gabe told Nate. “When you’re done with Campillo, see what you can dig up on Perez. The guy was obviously connected. It would be nice to know how far that connection went.”

“Roger that.”

“Thanks. We’ll finish up here and meet you and the others back at the hotel.”

Ending the call, Gabe shoved his phone into his pocket and went about with his search. The two men completed their search in relative silence, allowing Adrian a chance to gather his thoughts.

Finding no evidence against Perez, they left the house—and the body—behind. Someone would discover the scene eventually, but as far as he was concerned, the bastard could lay there and rot.

Concerned about leaving him without any sort of backup, Gabe had insisted Adrian stay the night in his hotel suite. Though he was pissed that Dawson thought he could order him around, Adrian begrudgingly caved.

Logically, it made sense for them to all be in one place in case they caught a break and needed to head out as a team. Not that he was a part of their team.

He was almost part of something special, though. Almost. Something good and pure. Something wonderful.

Then she was ripped from his soul.

Hang in there, baby. I promise I’ll find you. Just please, don’t give up.

Since Adrian’s clothes and things were still at Jenna’s hotel room, they headed there first so he could change out of the ugly ass blue scrubs the hospital had given him. The plan was, he’d shower as best he could with the dressing on his leg, and then they’d meet up with the rest of Bravo in Gabe’s suite at the other hotel.

Standing outside Jenna’s door, Gabe reached into the plastic bag the hospital had used to hold Adrian’s personal effects and pulled out his wallet. “Here.”

“Thanks.” Adrian took it and pulled out the plastic room key.

Ignoring the throbbing in his leg, he held the key up to the electronic sensor and waited for the light to turn green before opening the door. In an awkward move, Gabe brought his arm above Adrian’s head and pushed the Copyright 2016 - 2024