Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,52

find out.”

“Two days,” Adrian whispered his disbelief again. “I was out that entire time?”

“I spoke to your doctor. Apparently, there was some sort of complication during your surgery.” Gabe shoved his hands into his jeans’ pockets. “Something about a nicked artery and extensive blood loss. Doc said they had to put you in a medical coma for a stretch to keep you from moving around and busting it open again.”

Sweet Jesus.

Jenna had been missing for days, and he’d been fucking sleeping?

Shaking, Adrian ran a hand down his face. His breathing became rough. Uneven. And he felt like he was going to pass out from fear and worry.

Get your shit together, Walker. Jenna needs you.

The voice in his head was right. He needed to lock his shit down and focus.

“Get me some clothes.” Adrian began peeling the sticky-as-fuck cardiac leads from his torso. Alarms blared all around him as he yanked his IV from his arm and stood.

“What the hell are you…no, I’m not getting you clothes. Sit your ass down before you start bleeding again.”

Adrian jerked his head back in Gabe’s direction. “The fuck you mean no? Why’d you even come here if you aren’t going to help me—”

“Mr. Walker!” A male nurse rushed into the room, his eyes wide and his voice high-pitched with shock and confusion. “What…what are you doing? You need to get back into bed!”

The guy—or kid—appeared to be in his early twenties and probably weighed a buck twenty soaking wet. Small or not, Adrian would demolish the guy if he got in his way.

“What I need is for you to find me something to wear so my ass isn’t hanging out when I walk out of here.”

“Walk out of…no, Mr. Walker.” The nurse shook his head, looking even more confused than before. “You can’t leave. You’ve just had surgery. You lost a copious amount of blood, and the doctor wants you to stay another two days, minimum.”

“I don’t give a shit what the doctor wants,” Adrian growled. “I’ll sign whatever I need to sign, but I am leaving, and I’d prefer not to be wearing this”—he motioned to the gown—“when I do.”

“But sir—”

Jesus H. Christ. I don’t have time for this shit.

Getting right up in the guy’s clean-shaven face, Adrian glanced at his plastic name badge. “Brad, is it? Listen, Brad…you don’t know me, and while it may not seem like it now, I’m actually a pretty nice guy.” Behind him, Gabe let out a loud cough. He ignored it. “That being said, I’m having a really shitty day. So I’m gonna need you to get me those discharge papers and a pair of scrubs so I can get the hell out of here.”

“I don’t understand…has there been some sort of emergency? Something I can maybe help with?”

“Emergency?” Adrian raised a brow as his gaze bounced between Gabe’s and the young man’s. “You could say that. I’m going to find the man who thought it was a good idea to put a bullet in my leg and then kidnap someone who means a great deal to me. And when I do, I’m going to end him. Now, you’re welcome to tag along if you want, but my bet is you’d rather not be there for the whole torture and killing part. Just a guess, though.”

Brad’s wide eyes shot to Gabe’s. “H-he’s joking. Right?”

Gabe snorted. “About being a nice guy? Definitely a fucking joke.”

“Papers and scrubs, Brad.” Adrian snapped his fingers to refocus the kid’s attention. “Right. The fuck. Now.”

Looking like he was about to piss his pants, Brad stared slack jawed for another ten seconds before bobbing his head in a jerky nod. The kid damn near sprinted from the room.

Facing Gabe once more, Adrian opened his mouth to continue their argument about him staying put, but the asshole beat him to it.

“The only reason I’m here is because the hospital called and told me they were stopping the drugs that were keeping you under. I knew you’d be waking up, and I needed to find out what the hell was going on so my team and I could start putting together a plan of action.”

Adrian didn’t even bother asking Gabe how he managed to bypass the whole HIPPA bullshit. He did, however, need to make one thing clear.

“The plan is, I’m getting the fuck out of here, and then I’m going to find Jenna.”

He took a step but stopped immediately when pain shot up his thigh. With determination and fear for his woman pushing Copyright 2016 - 2024