Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,49

Adrian. I love you. I’m so sorry.

Chapter 10

Adrian peeled his eyes open, then immediately squeezed them shut. Readying himself for the bright, blinding light, he tried again. And again.

After a few more attempts, he was finally able to keep them open. Feeling dizzy and disoriented, it took him a minute to realize where he was.

I’m in the hospital?

Like a slow-moving wheel, Adrian’s memories began to surface.

He and Jenna had gone to the police station. They’d met with Ben. Afterward, they were standing outside, talking and laughing. But then…

Some asshole shot me in the leg.

The wheel spun faster, bringing it all back to him.

Glass shattering. Jenna’s screams. The white-hot pain spreading through his leg as the bullet lodged itself into his muscle.

Adrian let his heavy lids fall. As he lay there, fighting the drugs still running through his system, more broken memories flashed before his mind’s eye.

His blood was on Jenna’s hands. He could almost feel her fingers on his leg as she worked to save his life.

Adrian could see the worry that had covered her beautiful face as he was loaded into the back of the ambulance, and he heard himself whispering…

I love you.

Shit, that’s right. He had said that to her. But Jenna hadn’t heard him because he’d been too late.

Fucking figures.

He shook his head against his pillow. May have even laughed a little, too. Either way, the irony of the situation wasn’t lost on him.

For his entire adult life, he’d done everything he could to avoid getting close to any woman. And up until the day he met Jenna, that goal hadn’t been difficult to accomplish.

But with her, it was different. With Jenna, everything was different, and suddenly Adrian couldn’t wait to say those three not-so-little words to her again.

This time, I’ll make damn sure she hears them.

Through his blurred vision, he squinted toward the chair on the right side of his bed. Disappointment left his shoulders sagging when he found it empty.

Jenna had said she’d be here when he woke up. Or at least he thought that’s what she’d said. Damn place probably had strict visitor policies. Since she wasn’t family…

We’ll have to see what we can do to change that.

Another wave of dizziness struck, making him feel even more lightheaded than before. Staring up at the tiled ceiling, Adrian gave himself another minute to gain his bearings. While he laid there, he made a mental checklist of his plans for the immediate future.

See Jenna and make sure she was okay. Tell her he loved her. Get her the hell out of this city.

In. That. Order.

Huh. What do ya know…I have plans.

Feeling ridiculously giddy, Adrian started to smile, but a dull ache in his left leg started to gnaw at him. He lifted the heavy blanket to inspect the damage, but he couldn’t actually see the damage thanks to the miles of gauze wrapped around his thigh.

Wiggling his toes to make sure they still worked, he clenched his teeth and drew in steadying breath. Pointing his left foot forward, he stretched the muscles in his leg. There was a slightly painful pull, but nothing he couldn’t handle.

Deciding to push himself a little more, he flexed his foot upward, bringing his toes back toward his chest. A sharp, burning sensation ran up the back of his thigh, stealing his breath.

Fuck me.

“About damn time you woke up.”

What the…

Adrian turned to his left, his drug-induced haze forcing his vision to play catch-up. Blinking quickly, he hoped the man he’d seen was nothing more than a disturbing hallucination.

He looked again, and…nope. No such luck.

Gabriel Dawson was actually here. In his room. And he looked fucking pissed.

Shit. How did he not see him before now?

Probably because you’re high as a morphine-fueled kite. Just a guess, though.

Adrian smiled at his unexpected visitor. “I’m touched, Dawson.” Damn, his voice sounded scratchy as hell. “You come all this way to kiss my boo-boo?”

The Bravo Team leader crossed his arms in front of his broad chest and stared. Between Gabe’s narrowed gaze and a jaw made of stone, it didn’t take a genius to see that he was in no mood for jokes.

“Where’s Jenna?”

“Have you checked the waiting room? ’Cause last I knew, that’s where people went to…you know…wait.”

Curling his fists at his sides, Gabe took an angry step toward him. “You were supposed to protect her.”

“What the fuck do you think I’ve been doing?” He grimaced as he shifted his injured leg. “In case you haven’t noticed, big guy, I’m the one who took the Copyright 2016 - 2024