Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,47

outside Ben’s door while the other walked around the front of their car.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Panic set in. “What are you talking about? Who threatened you?”

“A man with the power to destroy everything I hold dear.”

“But why?” Jenna’s voice rose an octave. “Why me?”

“I don’t know.” Pale and pasty, now, Ben looked like he was going to be sick. “But when a man like Matais Ortiz gives you orders, you don’t ask questions.”

Matais who?

Jenna’s mind raced to place the name, but she couldn’t. However, one thing was clear. Adrian was right.

What happened at the club wasn’t random at all. She had been targeted. And because she hadn’t listened when he wanted her to leave town, he’d been shot and was on his way to surgery.

All because these men wanted to get to her.

I should’ve listened to him. I should’ve gone back to California instead of sticking my nose where it didn’t belong. Damn it, Jenna…why didn’t you listen?

The passenger door opened. Jenna swung her gaze to the man standing behind her. Tall and broad, the Hispanic man’s cold eyes met hers as he reached in and grabbed her arm.

“Hey!” Jenna tried pulling herself free. “Let go of me!” Facing Ben again, she began screaming at the cowardice traitor. “You son of a bitch! How could you?”

“I’m sorry.”

He looked and sounded remorseful, but the gun in his hand said something entirely different.

“You’re sorry?” She was yanked forcefully from the car. Terror fueled the anger erupting inside her. “Adrian trusted you!”

“I know.” Ben nodded. A sorrowful resolve filled his eyes.

A sudden understanding stole Jenna’s breath.

Though Ben didn’t say it, the guilt and shame pouring off of him was as good as a confession. This man—the same man who’d helped Adrian in the past—had set them up.

“They were waiting for us to leave the police station.” She spoke even as she fought against the jerk pulling on her arm. “You told them where we were. You did this to us!”

The gun in Ben’s hand shook. “I told you, I had no choice!”

“Let’s go.” The big brute pushed her forward.

For a second, Jenna thought he sounded familiar, but before she could figure out why, she lost her balance and nearly went down. On reflex, she spun on her heels and pushed against the guy’s massive chest.

“I said, don’t touch me!”

She may as well have hit a brick wall. A very large, very pissed off brick wall.

With a snarl, the man’s hand snaked out again. He grabbed her upper arm like before, only this time he pulled her body flush with his.

Lifting his other hand to her face, the asshole shoved the barrel of his gun beneath her chin. The cold, hard metal bit into Jenna’s skin, making her wince.

“Boss said to bring you in alive.” His hot, smoker’s breath nearly made her gag. “But he didn’t say what condition you had to be in.”

Jenna’s heart fell into her stomach. Despite the odds being stacked against her, Jenna’s first instinct was to fight. But these men were too big and too armed for her to take them on alone.

Getting beaten or shot would do nothing to help her cause. So unless she wanted to make the situation worse—and given the gun currently pressed against her face, that was quite possible—she had no choice but to do what they said.

For now.

The first chance she got to escape, Jenna was damn well taking it.

There were too many things she wanted to do with her life to just give up. Memories she needed to make. Moments she longed to experience.

And while Jenna may have questioned her goals before, that was no longer the case. She knew exactly what she wanted…and who she wanted it with.

I want a life with Adrian.

Sweet, complicated, pain-in-the-ass Adrian. He was all she wanted. And everything she needed.

She was struck with the image of him laughing—right before all hell had broken loose. She could still hear those precious words falling from his lips.

God, I love you.

Sure, he’d uttered them in jest, but the shocked expression that had crossed over his face was telling.

Adrian loved her. Even if the stubborn man wasn’t ready to admit it to her—or himself—he loved her.

So, no. Jenna would not give up. She’d simply bide her time until she could find a way back to him. Because right or wrong, too soon or not, she loved him, too.

With renewed determination to survive whatever this was, she quit fighting against the big buffoon’s hold and allowed herself to be led into the Copyright 2016 - 2024