Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,4

utter certainty. “We’ve been watching him for over a month now. There have been no other women. No other booty calls. The Shaw woman is the one you need.”

Matias let the information sink in. Then he smiled. “Excellent.”

“What’s next? Should we grab the girl now, or…?”

He considered it for a moment but decided against it. “Not yet. There are still things I need to do to prepare.”

This plan had been put into motion a long time ago, and Matias refused to rush it.

“When will you be ready?” Sebastian’s impatience began to show.

“Soon, amigo.” Matias promised his trusted lieutenant. “Very soon.”

“You want me and Garcia to hang around until you give the green light?”

He nodded. “Si. Keep the woman in your sights, but don’t let her know you’re there.”

“Understood, Boss.”

“I’ll be in touch.”

Ending the call, Matias walked over to the floor-to-ceiling window in his home’s private office. Looking out over his expansive property, he reminisced of simpler times. Times when he was just a child with no thoughts of drugs or money…or killing.

From the grass below, Matias’ young daughter spotted him while playing with the family dog. Her face lit up as she waved up at him. His heart swelled, and he offered her his own smile and wave in return.

“I’m going to get him, Papa.” Matias spoke aloud, the words meant for his deceased father. “I’m going to make Adrian Walker suffer in the worst ways imaginable. And then I am going to kill him. For you. For my children. And for this family’s legacy.”

Chapter 1

Three weeks later…

“You’re doing what?”

“It’s not a big deal, Elle.” Jenna zipped her suitcase closed.

“Uh…you’re moving. So, yeah…it is a big deal.”

With her phone held between a shoulder and her ear, Jenna walked to her bathroom to grab the toiletries she planned to take with her. “It’s a temporary move,” she reminded her friend. “The contract’s twelve weeks. I’ll be doing the same thing there I do here but with a massive pay bump.”

“And if you were only doing this for the money, I’d say go for it.”

“Who says I’m not?”

Ellena’s soft sigh hit her ear. “I know you, remember?”


“You’re running.”

Jenna frowned, her hand freezing as she was reaching for a bottle of lotion. “I am not.”

“Yes, you are. And I’m pretty sure I know who you’re running from.”

Her muscles tensed. She yanked the lotion from the counter and threw it into her toiletry bag. “He has nothing to do with this.”

Liar, liar.

“Come on, Jen. The guy shows up out of nowhere, spends a few hours giving you the best orgasms of your life…your words, not mine…and then splits while you’re sleeping. He hasn’t called or texted since. Of course, this is about Adrian.”

Hastily grabbing the rest of her things, Jenna stormed back into her bedroom. “You shrinking me, now? Because I thought I was talking to my best friend, not my therapist.”

“I am your best friend. I’m also a therapist. The two aren’t always mutually exclusive.” Ellena’s voice softened. “It’s obvious you’re using this move as a way to avoid the real issue. An issue you’re still going to have to deal with at some point.”

“Thank you, Dr. Phil. I’ll keep that in mind.” Jenna cringed at her snarky retort. Placing the small bag onto the bed next to her suitcase, she blew out a breath and apologized. “Sorry. And…okay, fine. Maybe Adrian has a little bit to do with this. But he’s not the entire issue.”

“So what is?”

“I don’t know.” She plopped down onto her mattress. “I think I just need a change of scenery for a bit.”

“A change of scenery does sometimes help to put things into perspective.”

“Exactly. That’s what I need. Some perspective.”

There was a stretch of silence before Ellena asked, “How are you sleeping? Anymore nightmares?”

Jenna snorted. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?”

“We’re not talking about me.”

“Now who’s avoiding?”

Her friend chuckled. “I have the occasional bad dream, but not nearly as many as before. And when Gabe isn’t out with his team, he’s right there to remind me I’m safe. Plus, I’ve kept busy getting things ready for the baby.”

A sudden jolt of jealousy left Jenna’s insides clenching. Not because of the baby. Even at thirty, Jenna wasn’t sure she was ready to take on that venture just yet.

No, her jealousy stemmed from the being alone part. When Jenna woke from a nightmare—which happened more often than she cared to admit—all she had were shadows and memories to comfort her.

Clearing her throat, she didn’t dare let those thoughts show. Copyright 2016 - 2024