Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,32

needed to savor every second he had with this amazing woman and relish in the fact that—though he’ll never understand why—she’d chosen him.

Adrian took a moment to let his gaze fall over every visible inch of her. “Jesus, you’re beautiful.” His eyes met hers once more.

A slight blush crept into her cheeks, but then she smiled and arched a single brow. “And you’re overdressed.”

Easy fix.

Moving with lightning speed, he stripped himself of his shoes and clothes. He thought of the new box of condoms he’d packed for the trip here—on the off-chance Jenna forgave him and invited him back into her bed.

What was it his high school shop teacher always said? Prior proper planning prevents piss poor performance.

But, looking at the woman before him, Adrian decided the condom could wait. He needed to make this an unforgettable performance. Not just a quick fuck.

She deserved nothing less.

Scooping her up, he carried her the two feet to the bed and laid her down in the center. He took one more precious second to soak up the way she looked right then, committing the image to memory.

Jenna was sprawled out on the mattress, her red, wavy hair fanning around her head. Her firm breasts and rock-hard nipples rose with each breath.

It was as if they were reaching for him. As if they were as desperate to be touched as he was to touch them.

Then she did reach for him.

“Make love to me, Adrian,” She rasped, her voice deepening with desire.

Make love.

His swollen cock twitched, and his heart raced. He didn’t make love. He fucked. And he was damn good at fucking.

But this? This was unfamiliar territory. Despite the fact that he wasn’t an expert—not fucking close—he did know making love took patience and finesse. Two things he’d never been good with.

I can do this. I can be gentle and in control.

Determined to make her feel as good as she deserved, Adrian laid on the mattress beside her. Using his fingertip, he began tracing her hairline, her jawline…her bottom lip.

Just before he leaned in for another taste, he whispered, “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of you.”

Just like that, it became his new mission in life. To take care of this woman in every way possible. From this moment on, whether it be pleasure or protection, Adrian would make sure she had whatever she needed.

Adrian pressed his lips to Jenna’s chin, down the side of her neck, and lower. Leaving a trail of kisses, he made his way down to the breasts he’d been dreaming about for weeks. He took the crest of one into his mouth.

Jenna’s breath hitched, the movement pushing her body even closer to him. Using one of his hands, Adrian held the perky globe in place while he teased and sucked her taut, rosy bud. While he continued feasting, he used his free hand to gently knead her other breast. Carefully massaging it with his palm and rolling the distended nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

Her low moan sent a vibration against his mouth, the sound sending a rush of blood to his already-filled erection.

“Please,” she begged breathlessly. Her hips lifted toward him in search for the release.

Her plea reached into his chest and tugged at his heart. Adrian pushed himself back up, his lips on hers in an instant.

“You won’t ever have to beg with me, baby.” He kissed her again, praying she understood. “Not ever.”

Her eyes softened and she looked up at him as if his words surprised her.

Christ, had the men in her past been such selfish bastards, they’d made her beg? Had they even bothered to make sure she was taken care of at all?

A surge of anger struck. He wanted to find each and every one and beat their asses, and—

“Adrian?” Her sweet voice broke through his thoughts. “Is everything…okay?”

Focus, asshole.

He smiled down at her. “More than okay.”

And it was about to get a whole lot better.

With a playful nibble of her bottom lip, Adrian retraced his earlier steps. Only this time, he didn’t stop at her breasts—although, he could spend hours on them. Instead, he continued a downward path along her flat, toned abs, not stopping until his head was between her thighs.

Jenna’s sex was bare, her musky scent of arousal driving him wild with need. He’d dreamed of it ever since the day he’d showed up at her apartment. Would wake up and swear he could still smell her.

As if she’d been there, in his bed, all along.

She hadn’t, and that had been Copyright 2016 - 2024