Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,29

those details. What had thrown her off balance was the way he’d said it this time.

I knew if the bastard got her in that car I’d never see her again. So I shot him.

So confident. So unapologetic. So…alpha protector.

Jenna wasn’t sure how she felt about that.

Yes, you are. The guy turns you on with a wink and a smile. And if he hadn’t shot that man, who knows what would’ve happened to you.

The voice in her head was right…about that last part, anyway. Adrian had saved her from…God, she didn’t even want to think about the horrors that awaited her had the man actually gotten her inside that car.

So, no. She shouldn’t be mad that he’d stayed. Or that he’d purposely shot someone. Especially since he’d done both in order to keep her safe.

She should be grateful. Grateful, appreciative, and all the other words that described the way a woman felt toward a man who’d saved her life.

But she should not—should not—want to strip him naked and jump his bones every time she looked into his gray-blue eyes.

Except…I do.

A knock on the door made her jump.

“Jenna?” His deep, sexy as sin voice reverberated through the barrier. “You okay?”

“I’m fi—” Her voice cracked like a pubescent teenager’s. Clearing her throat, she tried again. “I’m fine.”

There was a slight pause and then, “I ordered some food. It should be here soon.”

Her first thought was how sweet. Then she rolled her eyes at herself. Of course, he ordered food. The guy was probably starving.

“Okay.” The word came out steady, thank goodness. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

A slight sound reached her ears, almost as if he’d placed his hand on the other side of the door. Her heart thumped hard inside her chest, and for a moment, she thought he might say something more.

For some reason, she felt disappointed when he didn’t.

Gah! She’d never felt more confused—or turned on—by a man in her life!

Angered by the jumbled concoction of emotions rolling through her, Jenna grabbed the hotel’s hairdryer and flipped the switch.

Normally, she let her hair air dry. But it was thick and long, which meant doing it this way would buy her more time.

Despite her efforts to think of anything but Adrian, her mind continually travelled back to him.

She thought of his handsome face and tortured eyes. His tall, powerful body and the way he’d hovered over her protectively since she’d woken up in the hospital.

And it hadn’t ended there.

In the cab to the hotel he’d been staying at just down the street, through the lobby, and during the elevator ride up to his room, while he threw his stuff together, and during the cab ride back here, to her hotel…

That entire time, Adrian had stuck to her like glue.

She couldn’t help but notice the way he was always on constant alert, too. Like he was ready to put himself between her and anything—or anyone—he perceived as a threat.

With all of that, Jenna could no longer deny the fact that Adrian Walker was the complete opposite of any other man she’d ever dated.

The men from her past—which was a very short list—had all been perfectly nice. They’d been smart, attractive, held steady jobs… Everything Jenna thought she wanted.

But Elle was right. They were also boring as hell.

Adrian, on the other hand, was well above average in both the looks and intelligence departments. He was also rough and rugged. Mysterious and powerful.

Not to mention really, really good in bed.

And despite his deadly resume, he made her feel safe.

As if that weren’t enough, there was the kiss… God, when he’d kissed her earlier today, it felt as if it were his sole purpose for living.

Jenna lifted a fingertip to her mouth and traced her bottom lip. She swore she could still feel the singeing heat of his mouth on hers. But what continued to rattle her was what he’d said right before the soul-reaching kiss.

I stayed because I was worried about you.

For the past two hours, those words had been playing over and over in her head. He’d seemed so serious when he’d said them.

Because he’d been telling the truth.

And there it was. The realization hit her like a grand epiphany.

Adrian hadn’t used her for a few rounds of great sex. Or maybe, he had. The jury was still out on that one. But suddenly, that didn’t matter. What did matter, what she’d finally come to realize—while sitting on a toilet in nothing but her robe—was that Adrian Walker, man of mystery, murder, and Copyright 2016 - 2024