Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,21

up as it headed for the intersection Jenna’s cab had been approaching, rather than slowing down.

His suspicions were confirmed seconds later.

Even with a helmet on and the low rumbling of his bike’s motor, Adrian had heard the crunch of metal against metal.

I can still hear it.

A nagging feeling in his gut had sent him doubling back around to a side road he’d already passed to try to approach without suspicion. The plan was to come up on the scene as nothing more than a bystander offering to help. In case it was just a stupid accident.

For all he knew, the driver of the car could’ve been drunk or high, but something had told him that wasn’t the case. Unfortunately, he’d been right.

Adrian closed his eyes and hung his head. He could still see the wreckage. Could still feel the way his heart had damn near stopped, knowing Jenna was inside the mangled car when it’d been struck.

Then his heart did stop when he saw the passenger of the other car execute the cab driver and then go after the women.

No, not women. Woman.

There was only one person those assholes had been interested in.


Fearing he wouldn’t get to her in time, Adrian had pushed his bike to the limit, expertly laying it down and running as fast as his legs would move. Determined to save her from whatever the two men had planned.

He’d never wanted to go for a kill shot more than he had in that moment, but the bastard had been holding onto Jenna in a way that made it too risky. He couldn’t risk her. Never her.

So he’d gone for the guy’s exposed leg, instead.

If this were a job, he would’ve called for help for the woman and then gone after the two men. But this wasn’t a job. Jenna wasn’t a random woman, and he’d almost lost her.

Just like he lost his sister.

Adrian’s gaze lifted, sweeping back over his sleeping beauty. She’d passed out at the scene and, other than vomiting on the ambulance ride here, she hadn’t regained consciousness since.

That shit worried the hell out of him, but the doctor and nurse assigned to her both assured him it was to be expected. They’d also informed Adrian that Jenna’s bloodwork showed a high dose of ketamine, and she had a mild concussion from the wreck.

His eyes fell on the bruise near her left temple. His fists clenched and released as he fought against the murderous rage bubbling just beneath the surface.

It wasn’t a coincidence someone slipped her one of the most commonly used date rape drugs right before two men slammed into her cab and attempted to abduct her.

The dead cabbie was proof enough for him.

Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his thighs. With his fingers linked loosely between his knees, he rubbed his thumbs together as he went back over the night’s events for what felt like the millionth time.

The attack had been planned. Calculated. She’d been drugged and followed. And damn near been kidnapped. Given the men’s disinterest in the nurse named Marie, Jenna had definitely been targeted.

Question was by whom. And why?

The job seemed professional, even if the players were sloppy. Adrian had no idea why they’d chosen Jenna, but one thing was certain…When he found the fuckers responsible, there was going to be hell to pay.

I’ll fucking kill them all.

A soft moan tore him away from his murderous thoughts.

Scooting as close to the bed as he could, Adrian reached over the metal railing and carefully slid his hand beneath hers.

“Jenna?” He waited a beat. “Can you hear me?”

Her brows scrunched together, a soft swishing sound filling the quiet room as her head moved back and forth against the stark white pillow.

“Look at me, Jenna,” Adrian ordered softly. “That’s it, sweetheart. Let me see those gorgeous green eyes of yours.”

He waited and watched as her lashes fluttered against her skin. Her weakened fingers curled around his hand in a barely-there grasp, and a second later, her unfocused gaze was rising to meet his.

“Hey.” Her voice was rough with sleep.

For the first time in hours, Adrian felt as if he could breathe again. “Hey, yourself.”

As if just realizing his presence was abnormal, Jenna frowned. Struggling to bring everything into focus, she blinked quickly and took in her surroundings.

“I’m in the hospital?”

She glanced down at the IV in her arm. The rhythm of steady beeps coming from the machines increased as her chest began to rise and fall at a faster rate.

Her eyes grew Copyright 2016 - 2024