Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,17

arm around her waist and pulled her to him. His obvious erection poked against her lower belly.

Yeah, that’s not happening, buddy.

Doing her best not to react, Jenna gently freed herself from his hold once more. “I’ve been working all day, and I’m really tired.”

“Your friends are still having a good time.” Amanté tipped his head in Marie’s direction. “At least let me drive you to the hotel.”

His words gave her pause. Had she told him she was staying in a hotel? No, she was almost positive she hadn’t. Maybe he’d just assumed she wasn’t a Gulfside Harbor native.

Or maybe he’s some creep who’s trying to get into your pants.

Jenna blinked slowly, noticing how the music’s steady beat had become oddly soothing. Feeling even more lightheaded than before, she once again thanked the man—Amanté—and made her way over to Marie and the others.

“I’m heading out.”

“Already?” Marie looked at her watch. “It’s barely eleven.”

“I know, but I’m not feeling very well. I don’t think the alcohol is settling right.”

Marie chuckled. “Too many drinks, huh?”

“Actually, I only had two, but damn. They must’ve been strong.”

“I’d say so.” One of the other women laughed. “You look like you can hardly stand up straight.”

Marie chuckled as she linked her arm with Jenna’s. “Okay, Lightweight. Let’s go.”

“No.” Jenna slid her arm free. “Stay. You’re having too much fun for me to ruin it.”

Woah. She’d definitely slurred the last few words of that sentence.

“You know the rule,” Marie locked elbows with her again. “No one goes anywhere alone.”

Rules, shmules.

Jenna’s shoulders shook with a silent giggle, but she immediately cleared her throat…and tried clearing her head.

“Really, I’m good.” Liar. “There’s no sense in you guys ending your night early because of me.”

“Fine. How about this?” Marie got on her phone and began typing on her screen. “I’ll order us a cab back to the hotel. I’ll go with to make sure you get inside okay, and then have the driver bring me back here.”

“But…you’ll be alone on the ride back.”

Marie thought about this for a moment. “I’ll Facetime with these two on the way back.”

“Are you sure?” It wasn’t the greatest of plans, but Jenna didn’t have the energy to keep arguing.

“Trust me. You can never underestimate the buddy system in a place like this.”

“Fine.” Jenna swayed a bit before righting herself. She licked her lips, which felt much fuller than normal. “But I’ll pay for the…ride.”

“Deal.” Marie looked at the other two nurses. “You two stay here and stay together, okay? I’ll be back in a flash.”

“You got it,” one responded while the other nodded.

“Come on.”

Following Marie’s lead, Jenna stumbled toward the club’s entrance. With her head on a swivel, she glanced around the crowd in search of the man she’d been dancing with. She found him back at the end of the bar, and he was staring at her intently.

Welp, he looks pissed.

Just as well. It wasn’t like she’d planned to do anything with him, anyway. There was only one man she wanted…and she’d sent him away.

God, what is it about him?

Hard as she tried—and she’d been trying like hell all week—her mind refused to depart the Adrian train. Her heart was even worse, constantly aching with regret she shouldn’t feel.

Jenna didn’t understand the pull she felt toward the frustrating man. It wasn’t like he was looking for anything more than a quick lay. Hell, the only reason he’d come here at all was because Gabe had asked him to.

“I can’t believe you wanted to leave.” Marie’s low whistle from the passenger side of the back seat was a welcome distraction. “That guy you were dancing with was smokin’ hot.”

“He was…s’kay, I guess.”

Jenna’s slurring had gotten drastically worse in the last few minutes. Not only that, her lips and fingertips had begun to feel tingly, and she had to fight the urge to close her eyes.

Why do I feel so sleepy?

“Okay?” Marie looked over at her like she was crazy. “Girl, you would’ve had to peel me off of him if I’d been the one dancing with him. If I wasn’t already happily married, that is.”

Marie continued talking, some story about her husband who was back home in Missouri with the kids, but Jenna could barely make out what she was saying. Leaning her head against the cool glass of her window, she let her eyelids close and tried to ease the spinning in her head.

“Jenna?” Maire nudged her. “Hey, are you okay?”

“Hmm?” She peeled her eyes open and faced her friend. Marie’s concerned face blurred Copyright 2016 - 2024