Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,13

now that he was here, Adrian found himself pulling away.

“What’s wrong?” She nibbled his chin. “Do you need a condom?”

“What? No.” He frowned. “Why? Do you have one?”

If she did, that meant she’d packed it. If she packed it, that meant she’d planned on having sex.

Given her reaction to seeing him here, Adrian was confident he wasn’t even a blip on her radar, which meant she’d thought about having sex with someone other than him.

A powerful surge of jealousy rolled through him, followed by a sudden and intense feeling of nausea. The reaction took him off guard.

He’d never been possessive of anyone before, but the idea of Jenna sleeping with another man made him physically sick.

“No, I don’t have one.” She chuckled but a second later, her smile faltered as she stared at him a little too closely. “Would it be a problem if I did?”

Lie, dickhead. Lie your ass off right fucking now!

“Someone even thinks about touching you, I’ll kill them.”

So much for lying.

Jenna sucked in a breath. Her green eyes darkened.

Adrian had seen a lot of women drop their panties for big, tough, alpha assholes. He’d never understood it, and frankly, Jenna didn’t strike him as the type.

So he shouldn’t have been surprised when she began glaring at him and pushing against his chest. Yet, he was.

“Get off of me,” she growled.

He blinked. “What?”

“You heard me.” She shoved at him again. “I said…get…off!”

Pushing himself from the mattress, Adrian lifted his weight from her and stood. “You gonna tell me what’s wrong?”

“This.” Jenna motioned toward his face as she scooted herself off the bed. “This is what’s wrong.”

“My face?”

“The look on your face when you thought I’d packed condoms. And threatening to kill anyone who dares to touch me? How dare you!” Daggers flew from her eyes as Jenna poked him in the chest. “Let me tell you something, buddy. I get that you saved my friend’s life. And yes, you pulled that jerk off of me when all that shit with Elle went down, but you gave up any right to have a say in what or who I do the second you snuck out of my bed like a freaking coward.”

Jesus. The more pissed off she got, the more turned on he got.

“I didn’t sneak out,” Adrian stated calmly. “I left. There’s a difference.”

Jenna dropped her hand. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”

“Actually, I think the word you’re looking for is ‘unforgettable’.”

For fuck’s sake, shut the hell up.

“Get out.”

Shit. She was serious, and he’d clearly taken things a step too far. Time to retreat and recover.

“I’m sorry, okay?” That’s what women wanted to hear when they were mad, right?

A narrowed, suspicious gaze landed on his just before she asked him, “For what, exactly?”

Damn. The question was simple enough. So why did it feel like some sort of test?

“For…upsetting you?”

Jenna’s dark brows turned inward. “Are you asking me?”

“No. I mean, that’s why you’re mad, isn’t it?”

“I’m mad because you were mad.”

“No, I wasn’t.”

I was jealous. There’s a difference.

“Bullshit.” Jenna didn’t hesitate to call him on his crap. “You were pissed because you thought I might want to sleep with someone else while I’m here. Which, if you and I were actually dating, I could understand. But we’re not dating, Adrian. We’re not anything. You wanna know why?”

Shoving his hands into his pockets, Adrian casually adjusting his painful erection as he did. “I’m guessing you’re about to tell me.”

“Damn right, I’ll tell you. Drive-by, remember?” She put her hands on her hips again. “You showed up, we had sex, and you left. No note, no ‘thanks for the nice fuck’…nothing.”

Her choice of words made him flinch. For his entire adult life, when it came to women and sex, fucking was all he knew. But with Jenna, it had been different. It felt different.

“You’re right,” he admitted quietly. “I shouldn’t have left without saying goodbye.”

For some reason, his comment saddened her. “It was a one-night stand, Adrian. Or one-morning stand. Whatever. It doesn’t matter.” She waved her hand in the air. “The point is, you can’t leave the way you did and then expect me to be celibate the rest of my life. And you sure as hell can’t just show up here and expect me to just fall right back into bed with you.”

“I told you. I’m here because Gabe and Ellena—”

“Need to mind their own business,” Jenna finished the sentence for him. “Look, Adrian…I appreciate the thought, but I’m a big girl, and I’ve been taking care of myself Copyright 2016 - 2024