Repeat - Kylie Scott Page 0,86

Hands out to either side, I stand oh so fucking precariously in the stiletto heels. While they do look amazing with my sharp white pantsuit, balance is definitely eluding me. Big time. And my peony bouquet is no help at all.

On the plus side, my French nail polish looks awesome with the antique engagement ring Ed slid on my finger a few months back. Not landing on my ass in the cobblestone street, however, would be good. We’ll obviously be getting no help from the driver since the car just took off. Never mind. It’s just me and my unofficial bridesmaids. Since we decided on keeping things simple, there’s no big wedding procession or anything. But Tessa and Frances have been at my side through all of the recuperating and planning. I’m lucky. This is a fact.

“I told you to practice walking in them,” says Tessa. Pregnancy hasn’t mellowed her much despite all of the glowing. But we’ve been having a huge amount of fun shopping for baby gear and maternity wear. “One of these days you’re going to actually listen to what I say.”

Frances just sighs. “Knew you’d regret the choice of footwear.”

“But they look so fabulous,” I groan. “Maybe I’ll just take them off.”

“No, wait. Knowing your luck, you’ll step on a piece of glass or something. Just hold on a minute, I can fix this.” Tessa strides across the cobble stones in her fancy wedges with nary any difficulty at all. At the restaurant door, she signals to someone inside. A moment later, Nevin comes out, followed by Ed, Leif, and Niels. All of them looking mighty damn fine in black suits. Like seriously, so much eye candy. If I wasn’t head over heels in love with one of them, I wouldn’t know where to look first.

Leif wolf whistles. Such a flirt. I carefully wave my bouquet in his direction. There’s been kind of a cloud hanging over the man ever since the attack. Guess having your choice in bed partner turn out to be so disastrous would be hard to take. Not that I ever blamed him about Shannon. But I think he still blames himself.

Niels just nods. He’s every bit as big, silent, and intimidating as his little brother made him out to be.

“Go rescue your bride, Ed,” Tessa slips into Nevin’s arms, being wary of her bump. They make such a great couple, and they’re going to be awesome parents.

“He’s not supposed to see you before the wedding!” Frances laughs, holding my hand, helping me stay upright. My big sister is the best. Also, we drank champagne in the car. We even had a glass each for Tessa since she’s otherwise indisposed. These are the sort of hardcore sacrifices friends and family make for one another.

“You know, Mom would be appalled,” Frances continues. “No froufrou wedding dress, Vito’s cannoli instead of a cake, and now this. You were her one hope for a big wedding since I just took to off to Vegas for a weekend.”

“Oh, well.” I give her fingers an affectionate squeeze. “I’m wearing white at least.”

Ed lopes over with his long-ass stride. “What’s wrong?”

“My pretty shoes are impossible to walk in.”

“Those are some sexy heels.” His smile is slow and wide and everything I want in this world. With no effort, he lifts me up into his arms. Inside of me is all of the swoon in all of the world, solely for this man. “You look beautiful.”

“So do you.”

“What’s on your mind, Clem?” he asks, lowering his voice, making it just between me and him. “Everyone’s waiting inside. Are we doing this or what?”

“Rest assured, there’s no way in hell I’m letting you get away from me this time.”

He grins and the light in his eyes . . . oh my. “C’mon then, baby. Let’s get married.”

Purchase Kylie Scott’s Other Books

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time











Strong: A Stage Dive Novella




Flesh Series: Shorts


Heart’s A Mess

Colonist’s Wife

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

Chapter One


In a fair and just world, he’d have looked like shit. The years would have ground him down to all but a shell of his former glory. Of course, this hadn’t happened. My luck just wasn’t that good.

“You made it,” he said, walking barefoot down his front steps.

“Don’t sound so surprised. You Copyright 2016 - 2024