Reno's Journey - Sable Hunter Page 0,70

don’t have a birth certificate or a social security card. Proving your identity would be next to impossible.” She frowned at the thought. “If you stay, we’re going to have to find someone who makes fake ID’s.”

“You don’t look too excited at the prospect. Don’t you want me to stay?”

Journey gave him an amused look. “I want you to stay. And we’ll worry about the ID’s later. I’ve heard stories of people who create fake ones by using the records of a deceased person.” She winked at him. “You’ll just have to change your name to Mr. Whoever, Percy Wombat or something similar.”

Now it was his turn to frown. “I want a more dignified name than Percy Wombat.”

She shook her head with pretend exasperation. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Pulling out into the road, she headed downtown. “Now to buy you some new duds. Do you want to stay with cowboy clothes, or would you like to go for a laid-back Austin look with knee length shorts and a UT t-shirt?”

“Like him?” He pointed out a guy ambling down the sidewalk in exactly the type of clothing she’d described.

“Yea, that’s pretty close. He looks comfortable.”

“No, thanks. I want to feel like myself. I don’t have the legs to wear something so revealing.”

Journey could’ve argued the point. She’d seen him undressed – mostly – and there wasn’t a damn thing wrong with any part of him. He didn’t have a gym body. Rather he had real muscles from real labor. Honest, hard work. Reno Black was a man’s man.

“We’ll get you fixed right up.” She traveled slowly down the main drag until she spotted a men’s clothing store. In the window were models sporting several different styles of clothing. One of those styles was distinctly western. This was Texas, after all.

Upon entering the upscale store, a smiling clerk came to greet them. “Good morning. How may I help you?”

Journey started to speak, but Reno beat her to it. “Hello, my good man. I would like to purchase some apparel.”

“Very well.” He eyed Reno’s clothing, coming closer to examine the material. “Vintage. Interesting. Worth a pretty penny, I vouch.” He shook his head. “If you’re looking for this sort of thing, I can’t help you. I wish I could. Are you with a movie company? I bet you’re searching for period costumes, aren’t you?”

Reno glanced at Journey for help.

“Uh, no. We’re not with a movie company. We’d just like to see some western apparel. The outfit he has on is genuine, you’re right about that. He’s visiting with me, ruined his clothing, and I had to dig in the attic to find something for him to wear.”

The gentleman seemed to buy her story. “I see. Well, follow me.”

With the clerk’s help, Reno selected three pairs of jeans, two pairs of dressier pants, and five long-sleeved shirts. “Remember the unmentionables,” he whispered to Journey.

“Would you be in the market for shoes?” the clerk asked hopefully.

“Yes, sir. I believe so,” Reno followed the man to examine the available selection.

While they were looking at shoes, Journey found the underwear department. She decided briefs were more his style. Baggy boxers didn’t really appeal to her. Just imagining how Reno would look with his manhood molded by soft white fabric, tight enough for her to make out his shape and size, made her fan herself to cool down. “Whoa, Nelly. Quit picturing Reno’s junk.”

“What junk?”

She jumped at the sound of his voice. “Don’t slip up on me!”

He gave her a teasing smile. “Find anything?”

“Yes.” She handed him two packages, each containing three pairs of briefs. “This will do. If you want, you can change into some of the clothing before we leave.”

“Good idea.” He held up a pair of the jeans. “Like you said, these are cooler and a lot more comfortable.”

“I’ll wait,” she promised, finding a seat near the dressing room.

When it came time to pay, Reno pulled out a small bag, and extracted a gold coin. Journey realized he was about to try and pay for the clothing with a twenty-dollar gold piece. “I’ll get this.” She placed her hand on his and pushed the bag down.

“What?” he started to protest, but the look she gave him quelled his response. “Very well.”

The salesclerk eyed them both a bit suspiciously, but he processed her credit card just the same. “Here’s your receipt. Thank you for your business. Come again soon.”

“We will.” Reno offered the man his hand and they shook.

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