Reno's Journey - Sable Hunter Page 0,245

that Jubal was guilty, and Cole was not. It’s been great having him with me. I will certainly miss him when I leave.

If you didn’t notice what I said above, I’ll repeat myself. There is a hitch in our plans, a sad one. Upon my return, I was shocked to learn that Ela had been murdered just a few days after I left for the future. I went to see her son, but he is full of hatred over the talk of war. Don’t think for a moment that this setback will keep me from coming to you. When the moon is full, I’ll make my move. I know where to go and when to go, surely the path I have previously forged through that damn portal is still there.

Let me use the rest of this paper to tell you how much I love you. I love you with every breath I take and with every beat of my heart. My arms ache with emptiness. My lips miss you. My body misses you even more. I am living for the moment when we are together once more. I pray that you and my babe are safe, and I don’t want you to worry about a thing. Just keep your eye on the calendar and know that when the sun sets on the night of the full moon, I’ll be on my way to your arms. Tell my baby that I love him too. And know this, my beautiful wife…I worship the ground whereon you stand.

Forever my love

Your faithful husband


By the time Journey finished reading the note she was shaking uncontrollably. Her mind and heart raced between conflicting emotions. Elation and terror. Elation and terror. She was so happy to hear from him, to learn the good news of his successes. She was also more terrified than she’d ever been in her life. Reno was planning on coming through the portal without Ela’s guidance. His proposal struck fear into her very soul. Folding the letter carefully, she found an envelope in her desk and placed the precious piece of paper inside. Next, she texted Lou, asking her to come home as soon as she was able. When her friend arrived, Journey planned on them talking to Kota. She knew both of her friends would make a fuss, but Journey intended on making them listen. What she needed was straight talk and solid advice. There would be no room for doubt and fear. Journey needed to know who had the best chance of success, Reno coming to the future – or her traveling to the past.

* * *

Sitting at the kitchen table with Kota and Lou, Journey waited until they’d both finished reading Reno’s letter. “Well, what do you think?”

Lou laid the fragile paper down gently. “I think it’s beautiful. He did everything he set out to do and he loved you so much.”

“Loves me, not loved me. Lou, Reno is not past tense.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” She turned to Kota. “What do you think?”

Kota pressed the flat of his hand on the letter, as if he could absorb its energy. “This is an impossible situation, you know that, don’t you?” His question was directed at Journey.

With a sinking heart, she acknowledged what he was saying. “There is no good choice, is there?”

“No, there’s not.” Kota began to explain what both women knew to be true. “Reno is at risk. I’m not sure what will happen if he tries to come through without the charms that we placed in the medicine bag.”

“He still has me. Like before, I’m here. You said I was his lodestone.”

Kota stared at the letter. “You are, but I don’t know if that will be enough. It may be. There’s just no way of being sure. I can’t give you an answer with any degree of certainty. He might come through just fine and he might go…” He chose not to finish his sentence.

“All right.” Journey steeled her spine and took a deep breath. “What about me? I should have the same chance to go through safely as Reno did the first two times. After all, I have you to help me, Kota. You can make me a medicine bag. And I have a lodestone on the other side. Reno.”

Lou made a moaning sound. “With you being pregnant, it’s just so dangerous.”

Journey shut her eyes in pain. “Don’t you think I know that? But what are my choices? Protect my child and possibly lose my husband? Or try Copyright 2016 - 2024