Reno's Journey - Sable Hunter Page 0,211

plastic Ziplock bag filled with papers. “I found this information in a history book.” He unzipped the bag, took out the folded papers, going through them to find the ones about the supposed Indian raids. “Okay, here goes.” Reno read a few passages to his friends. When he was finished, he glanced up at them. “I think this John Taylor is behind the raids. He’s wanted to exterminate the tribes for years. I think he’s up to his old tricks.”

“Let me see those pages.” King held out his hand and Reno gave them to him.

“If we don’t do something to stop him and his raiders, the Cavalry is going to wipe out the tribes the night of the full moon in June, just a month away. The battle will become known as the Leaf Moon Massacre. Thousands will die. Thousands of innocent people will die.”

“Where did you get this information?” King asked as he felt of the paper between his fingertips.

“These are notes from a history book I found in the Fredericksburg public library.”

“There is no public library in Fredericksburg.” King appeared puzzled as he examined the notes.

“There is one in the future.”

“Oh, boy. Here we go.” Clay leaned back in his chair, stretched his legs out, and jammed his hat farther onto his head.

Reno felt like he was flailing in quicksand. “The important thing to focus on is to stop this massacre. The Indians aren’t responsible for the killings.”

“I know you’re upset about Ela, Reno,” King began but Reno stopped him with an upheld hand.

“I am upset about Ela. Until I arrived, I was convinced she died in the massacre. That’s one of the reasons I was determined to return in time to stop it from happening.”

Gentry swiveled in his seat as if his body was buffeted about by Reno’s words. “Wait. You thought Ela died in a massacre that hasn’t taken place yet?”

Reno didn’t answer right away. “I know I’m having trouble explaining all of this. I tried with Clay and I know it sounded stupid.”

“You got that right, brother,” Clay retorted with a snort.

“I understand your viewpoint, Clay. I felt the same way when Lou, Journey, and Kota began explaining these things to me.”

“Who are those people?” Gentry asked. “Your kidnappers?”

“No. I wasn’t really kidnapped. I was taken where I didn’t intend to go, but not by a person.” Reno felt so frustrated. “Anyway, Lou is a professor, a very smart woman. Kota is Ela’s descendant. And Journey is my wife. My pregnant wife.”

King smiled at Reno’s revelation. “Well, congratulations. That was fast. When can we meet her?”

“You can’t. I left her in the future. In the year 2019.”

“See?” Clay pointed at Reno. “He ain’t right. He’s been through something awful and it’s left him addled. The man thinks he’s traveled to the damn future and back.”

King waved his hand for Clay to hush up. “Hold on a minute. We’ve all known Reno for years. The man has his faults, but he’s no liar. And the last time we checked – he was in his right mind. Let’s give him a chance to explain.”

“Thank you.” Reno leaned forward with his elbows propped on his knees, rubbing his eyes. “All the scientific jargon and highbrow talk made more sense coming from Lou and Kota than it will from me.”

“Do your best. We’ll withhold judgment.”

“All right, Cap. I’ll try.”

Reno began to relate his experience, starting from the moment he entered the box canyon with Kinsella on his heels. For the next three hours he told them everything. He described in detail how he’d ridden Traveler through a seemingly solid rock wall to emerge in another century. Next, he related some of the strange stories and theories Lou shared with him. He also spoke of Kota and how Ela passed down her prophecies and what his own role in them was perceived to be.

“And this,” he urged them to consider what he held in his hand, “look at this...” Unfolding the remainder of the documents from the bag, Reno was taken aback when a folded piece of brightly colored paper fell out onto his lap. Opening it, Reno was stunned to see a note from Journey. The sight of her handwriting sent a sharp pain knifing through his gut. Refolding it quickly, he placed it to one side to save for later.

“What do you have there?”

“Nothing. This is what you need to see.” Reno began to review the information used to clear Cole’s name years after his execution. “Saul grows Copyright 2016 - 2024