Reno's Journey - Sable Hunter Page 0,195

the strippers would have, but those extra layers of fabric did nothing to hide the pure masculine appeal of the men before them.

“Look at the one on the far right, second row. The one with the shaggy brown mane and all those muscles. Oh, man. Is he fine!” Lou was positively drooling at the sight. “I wonder what his name is?”

As the number ended and the men stopped to take a bow, the woman in front of Lou leaned over her seat to give Lou an answer. “You don’t recognize him? That’s our esteemed Attorney General, Destry Cartwright.”

“Oh, yum.” Lou licked her lips. “I have got to start paying more attention to local politics.” She held out her hand. “I’m Lou Evans, by the way.”

“Hi! My name is Cady McCoy. The cowboy in the center front row is mine. The one with the white feather in his hatband. And these are our daughters.” She pointed at the three door-step girls sitting next to her.

“Adorable.” Lou glanced at Journey and pointed at the sweet children. “Maybe you’ll have a girl, Jo.”

“Oh, you’re pregnant!” Cady reached over to clasp Journey’s hand. Immediately, she giggled. “Do you want to know the sex?”

Journey’s eyes widened. “Sure. I guess. How do you know?”

“Instinct.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “I’d say you’re having a boy.”

“A boy! Wow!” This exclamation came from Lou. “Oh, forgive my manners. Cady, this is Journey Stanton…I mean Journey Black,” Lou corrected herself.

“Hello. Nice to meet you.” She nodded toward the stage. “The cowboy wearing the black jeans on the left belongs to me. Reno.”

“Ah, yes.” Cady tapped the shoulder of the woman sitting next to her. “Harley, he’s the one you said resembled Pepper’s husband, Judah James.”

“He does.” Harley turned around to greet Lou and Journey. “Hey, Harley LeBlanc here. The tall Cajun in the back with the attitude is mine.”

“Nice to meet you.” Journey reached up to touch Harley’s shoulder – and when she did – Harley gasped. “What’s wrong? Did I shock you?”

“You could say that.” When the next phase of the event began onstage, Harley winked at Journey. “I’ll talk to y’all when this is over.”

All eyes turned to the front as a question and answer phase began.

“What happened to the swimsuit competition?” Myra asked holding up her program. “I don’t see it listed.”

“Shhh.” Journey giggled and whispered. “Sorry to disappoint, Aunt Myra.”

A woman on the other side of Myra patted her arm and whispered as quietly as she could manage. “I know how you feel. I was kinda looking forward to the swimsuit competition myself. My name is Bess Morrison.”

“Myra Weiss. Is one of these fine young men your son?”

“No. Although, I practically raised six of them. My McCoy boys.” She pointed them out. “Aron. Jacob. Joseph. Isaac. Noah. And my baby, Nathan. Look at him. He’s not a baby any longer. And that big rough, mountain at the back with the spiky hair, that my niece’s husband, Brodie Walton. They’re both EMT’s.”

“You must be proud of all of them,” Myra hugged her purse to her chest.

“Oh, look.” Bess pointed to the stage. “My Jacob’s at the microphone.”

Journey’s eyes were still on Reno as he waited in the wings. He looked so handsome.

“Everyone, this is Jacob McCoy. Jacob, would you answer this question?”

The introduction came from the master-of-ceremonies, Desiree Holt Barron. Journey thought the country star looked divine.

“Certainly, Desiree. I’ll be glad to.”

“Thank you, sir. Could you describe yourself in three words?”

Jacob smiled, but he took his time answering. “Let’s see, three words. Okay. The first word would be happy. My family makes me happy, especially my wife, Jessie. The second word would be stubborn.”

Before he could explain his second choice, someone yelled from backstage. “Amen to that!”

Jacob seemed to easily recognize the voice of the heckler. “Can it, Noah.” He thought a few more seconds before revealing his third choice of a word. “Lastly, I would say…tender-hearted. Even though, it’s a little embarrassing, that’s what I think my family would say.”

“Interesting. I love a sensitive man.” Desiree turned to look at someone in the audience. “I think he’s a keeper, Ms. Jessie.”

“I think you’re right, Desiree.” Jessie responded from the front row.

“Okay, next.” She called Reno to come forward. “Mr. Reno Black.” She assessed Reno slowly. “You’re one of the few contestants who I don’t know personally. I must say you look like the real deal, cowboy. Would you ever be interested in appearing in one of my music videos?”

Journey held her breath. She Copyright 2016 - 2024