Renegade Most Wanted - By Carol Arens Page 0,23

“I have some business I’d like to discuss with you. Here, let me take the little angel while we talk.”

“I can’t imagine what business a fine gent like you would have with a simple homesteader.”

Emma lowered her parasol, shielding Lucy from his outstretched arms. The wonderful thing about a parasol wasn’t the shade it provided, but the wicked point on the end. If those long, manicured fingers moved an inch closer to Lucy, he’d find that out.

What kind of a man had smooth pale fingers with long gleaming fingernails, anyway? Mr. Pendragon should pay so much attention to his teeth. Behind the condescending smile he bestowed on her they were as yellow as butter…greasy butter.

“It’s the homestead I’d like to discuss with you.”

“There’s not much to it at the moment.” That sallow-toothed worm had land enough of his own. He didn’t need to give hers another thought. “I’m sure it’s not worth a discussion.”

“I’m in control of most of the land out your way. There’s not an acre of ground that my cattle don’t graze over. I had intended to have one of my men file on that land you took. In another week it would have been part of my spread.”

Lawrence Pendragon reached into his vest pocket and took out a small case that reflected enough sunlight to burn Emma’s eyes. He took a cigarette out of it, lit it and snapped the case closed.

He took a deep draw, then let out his breath with a curly white hiss.

“Pass the word on to your husband that I’d like to make a fair offer for his place.”

“My land isn’t for sale.” Emma took a half step forward hoping to dislodge the shoe. “Good day, Mr. Pendragon.”

“Why, yes, it is a lovely day.” A warm breeze snatched his trail of smoke and blew it into the street, cooling the sweat gathering under her hair at the same time. “You should enjoy this day while you can. You may not have many more like it.”

Emma gripped the parasol so tightly that her fingers tingled. She bristled at the threat beneath the cultured tones of the man’s voice. A fine accent couldn’t hide everything.

“And why is that?”

“It’s simply the nature of prairie life. One never knows from day to day what might happen. I’ve seen storms come up in the night that carry homes right away with them. There’s drought, there’s cattle roaming at will, often over hard-won crops.” He lowered his voice. The fingers of one hand twitched against his vest while he stared at the glowing tip of his cigarette. “Anything can cause a prairie fire. A bolt of lightning…or even a careless smoker. So many of my cowboys smoke.”

“Are you threatening me, Mr. Pendragon?”

He twisted the end of his mustache and pursed his lips. “I’m simply pointing out the danger that homesteaders face. Wouldn’t it be better to accept a generous sum of money in exchange for that dried-out piece of earth, little lady?”

“That’s my dried-out piece of earth, and I’m not selling it to anyone!” She’d had all she could take of the glittering shoe, so she made a stab at it with the tip of her parasol. Mr. Pendragon took a startled jump backward. Emma hurried past him, but couldn’t resist one backward glance.

“And that’s Mrs. Matthew Suede to you.”

“For the moment.” That slowed Emma down. How would he know that? She kept walking, only pretending not to hear if he had something else to say.

“Once Angus Hawker is free, your man is better than dead. You and the little girl will be all alone out there.”

* * *

Mrs. Conner’s boardinghouse sat atop the rise of a low hill. The front porch overlooked the ruckus going on in town this late July night. Emma sat on a rocker in the dark listening to an argument between a pair of cowboys. Their curses and threats drifted up with the breeze. Farther down the street, rowdy laughter drowned out the bawdy tune being hammered out on a piano.

Emma had no business wondering what her husband of one day was up to, but she did it, anyway. Was he keeping time with a woman he had known before she’d trapped him in the livery, or was he perhaps at the saloon gambling and drinking and listening to the tawdry music?

He could be doing anything. All she really knew of him was that he robbed banks, lived by his word and kissed a woman to steal the heart right out of her Copyright 2016 - 2024