Renegade Most Wanted - By Carol Arens Page 0,18

some things you need to know about the boys and me.”

Emma sat down beside the water. This July morning was a blister. She took off her shoes, rolled off her stockings, then hiked up her skirt to her knees. If this talk was leading to her sharing her homestead, she’d need cool water on her feet to put out her temper. It would be a humiliation to have to apologize a third time for calling her husband an ugly name.

“The water’s as cool as can be.” Emma scooped up a handful and let it run over her face and down her neck. “Take off those boots and see.”

He followed her example, even to the scoop of water, then he took off his hat and put it on her head. He might have scolded her about forgetting something so important, but he only tugged the brim down so that her eyes were shaded against the glare of the sun on the water.

“When I was a kid, Emma, I was as wild as they come. Wasn’t a soul in town would bet a quarter that I’d grow to be a man. Just in time, I found out life was a fine thing and I wanted to live as much of it as I could.

“During those years I had a friend. No…he was more like a brother. Utah’s the one who made me give a lick for myself. He convinced me to put away my quick guns and take up with him on the roundups. Jesse, Utah, Cousin Billy and I all signed up to cowboy Pendragon’s herds, and some others around Dodge.

“It was a fine life, the four of us so young and full of adventure. One day, Utah went sweet on a gal from town. I think all of us went sweet on her. But Utah’s the one who married her. She died the next year giving birth to Lucy. After a time, Mrs. Conner over at the boardinghouse minded Lucy while Utah went back to herding cows with Billy, Jesse and me.

“It wasn’t like old times, though. We’d all grown up over the pain. Then it wasn’t six months later that we lost Utah, too.”

Tears itched at the back of Emma’s eyes. Matt’s face looked full of sorrow, as if he had gone back to those days and the old pain had turned fresh again.

“We were rounding up one afternoon. Utah was on the far side of the herd from the rest of us. He was talking to little Lenore, Pendragon’s twelve-year-old daughter. He thought she’d be more comfortable with a blanket under her saddle. That’s how Utah was, always looking out for others. Well, he tied that red blanket, but it came loose sometime later and was dragging on the ground behind her. For some reason, that spooked the cattle and they started running. Little Lenore saw what was happening and reached around to tie the blanket behind her. She lost her balance and fell off with the cows coming right at her. We couldn’t get across to her, but Utah was already on that side of the herd.

“He called out for her to stay still. He got to her in time, but the cinch on his saddle gave under the weight of lifting her. Lenore’s horse, not being properly trained for cattle work, had run off. By then Utah’s horse was too skittish to recall his training and took off after the other horse. That left the pair of them standing in the way of the panicked herd with no way to escape.

“Billy and I were halfway through the herd when Utah picked up the blanket and headed off across the prairie. Somehow he managed to turn the stampede away from Lenore. He saved her life, but there was nothing left for Utah but to turn and face the cattle. His six-gun rang out. We all heard five shots. The leading steer went down and the one after, but we couldn’t get to Utah until it was too late.”

Emma wanted to say how sorry she was, but mere words seemed so pitiful. She reached out and covered his hand where he fingered little circles in the water sliding by. He glanced sideways and seemed surprised, but he slipped his calloused fingers through hers and squeezed them.

“The three of us made it over to him before he passed. He asked me to take Lucy as my own and bring her up right. I made a vow as though I Copyright 2016 - 2024