Reid - Maddie Wade Page 0,11

the lower levels, and he watched her go.

“Come on, Bono,” he called, and he let the dog out for a wee, before locking the doors and pressing a button on the controls to close the automatic blinds. That was something he’d have to talk to her about tomorrow. Keeping her blinds closed.

Grabbing a sheet and blankets from the hall cupboard along with a pillow, he made his way back to the sofa. Bono had abandoned him to sleep with his mistress, the lucky little fucker.

Reid sat down on the edge of the sofa and untied his boots, before sliding his jeans down his legs and shucking his shirt. Pushing the sheet into the corners of the cushions, he lay down and pulled it over him. Tucking his one arm behind his head, he looked at the ceiling and pondered the events of the evening.

He’d gotten dressed to go out with friends and ended up meeting a supermodel who was his friend’s sister. To add insult to injury, his attraction to her had been instant and like nothing he’d experienced before. It was also something he could do fuck all about. Even though his body screamed at him to seduce her into his bed, which he had a sneaky feeling wouldn’t be that hard, he couldn’t go there. He’d have to friend zone her, act the big brother when he felt anything but brotherly.

It was going to be a long few days, but whether he wanted to fuck her not, she was in danger, and he’d fix that problem for her and amp up her security for her brother’s peace of mind.

That sorted, he ignored the ache in his balls that had been there since she’d touched his arm and tried to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Chapter Four

The sound of the alarm on her phone had Callie shooting up in bed disoriented. Taking a second, she looked around, wondering what was different and not spotting anything. She grabbed the phone and hit the stop button as she swung her legs out. Callie had learned early on in her modelling career that hitting the snooze button was a sure-fire way to make her late.

Her brain was foggy as she padded for the bathroom to relieve her bladder and have a quick shower. Tying her hair up in a bun, she washed her body and replayed the events of previous night as she washed her skin in peach body wash.

A picture of Reid flashed through her mind. Tall, with a firm jaw, ink covering skin she could see on his neck, arms, and hands. The veins on his forearms deep and muscled, his soft blue eyes edging toward green, that danced with a promise she wasn’t sure she could handle.

Up close and in person, the image she had of him from the photos paled in comparison to the man in the flesh. The way he commanded a room with very few words or the sweet way he’d held her and let her cry called to her. To say there had been chemistry was an understatement, it was like a full-blown lab experiment in her living room last night.

Callie was no virgin, she’d dated, even had sex with a few of them, but the men she ended up with never lasted. For some reason, she always seemed to pick men who thought she was arm candy, an accessory like the jewels she sometimes modelled. She’d always been the one to end things, and to her knowledge, it was still amicable.

Exiting the shower, she looked around for her wide tooth comb and couldn’t see it, so ran her finger through her hair instead. Her stylist would have her guts if she put a brush through wet hair and split the ends. Leaving her face bare of make-up, she slathered on some moisturiser and then dressed in pink leggings and an oversized grey hoodie.

Walking up the stairs, she heard the tell-tale sound of someone moving around and felt a tingle of excitement to see the man who’d been the object of her fantasies. She hoped they could spend some time together and maybe get to know each other.

A smile creased her face as she stepped into the living space and saw Reid folding the sheets in nothing but his jeans. His bare was back to her, showcasing the ripped, lean muscle and colourful ink on his back and lats.

He turned at hearing her and glanced at her quickly. “Morning, sunshine.”

“Morning.” Callie felt Copyright 2016 - 2024