Regretting You (Blackthorn Elite #4) - J.L. Beck Page 0,71

want you to stop following me,” I growl, walking right up to him. He looks down at me with an impassive look on his face. His green eyes twinkle in the afternoon sun. Why does something so cruel, so dangerous, get to be so gorgeous?

“I don’t pity you, and I’m not following you. I made a promise, and I’m sticking to it. I’ve screwed up a lot over the last couple of months. I didn’t ask questions, didn’t think things through, and that’s my fault. I don’t want to lose you, though, and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure I don’t.”

“You’ll be trying for a while then.” I cross my arms over my chest, irritated and ready to go home.

“Do your worst to me, Kennedy, god knows, I deserve it. Push me away, hate me, fight me, draw my blood, and rip my damn heart out, but I’m not going anywhere. I will be here every day, as a rock you can lean on or a damn post you can whip your anger at.”

I don’t tell him what he says makes me smile.

I don’t tell him anything. I don’t react at all.

I just walk away, heading toward my apartment and allow him to think whatever he wants to think. I won’t let Jackson know a damn thing, because I’m not interested in heartbreak warfare. I’m interested in living because I’m done simply surviving.



My back is one giant ache. It’s so stiff I can barely move around. I feel like an old man needing a cane to walk, grunting every time I stand up straight. Sleeping on Kennedy’s couch is killing me, but I’d rather take this pain ten times over than leave her.

Kennedy hasn’t talked to me much, she tries to ignore me most of the time, but at least she doesn’t tell me to leave anymore. She gave up on that a few days ago when she finally realized I’m not going anywhere.

The only time we’ve been separated is when one of us is in class. I skipped all my classes for a week, so I could take and pick her up from each of hers, but I knew I couldn’t do that forever. I’m planning to start going back this week. I just wanted to give Kennedy a chance to get back into the swing of things.

Twisting and turning on the couch, I try to get comfortable even though I know there is no way. Defeated, I roll off onto the ground and stretch out. It’s not as soft as the couch, but at least I can lie flat and don’t have to tuck my legs in.

Closing my eyes, I wonder if Kennedy would let me buy her a new, more comfortable couch. Or maybe I could get her to move into my apartment, where we’d have more space. Yeah right.

I’m about to fall asleep when my phone buzzes on the coffee table. I grab it and see Talon’s name flashing on the screen. What does he want now? I push the green answer button and hold the phone to my ear.

“What’s up?”

“Hey, loser. You’re not in bed, are you? You sound like you’re half asleep.”

“I’m trying to go to sleep, but some asshole called me.”

“Dude, it’s not even ten.”

“Kennedy goes to bed early, and I don’t want to keep her up while I watch TV,” I explain, not caring about how much I sound like a pussy.

“Okay, Grandpa. I’m really only calling to tell you that your friend is still at the hospital. He’s awake, but he hasn’t said anything. Told the cops, he was mugged by two guys in an alley. Didn’t see their faces, of course. I don’t think you have to worry about him.”

“I wasn’t worried about him. He should be worried about me since when he gets out of the hospital, I’ll be planning on putting him right back in it. Or maybe I’ll kill him this time. He deserves it for what he did to Kennedy.”

“I know, man… I know.” I told Talon what Tylor did when Kennedy was in the hospital. I had to tell someone, and I needed Talon to understand. “I’ll keep you updated on the situation. If anything changes, you’ll be the first one to know.”

“Thanks, man.”

“Night, night, Grandpa,” Talon says, chuckling before the line goes dead.

I place my phone back on the table and hear movement at the bedroom door. Craning my neck, I look up and see Kennedy standing there, leaning against Copyright 2016 - 2024