Regretting You (Blackthorn Elite #4) - J.L. Beck Page 0,63

their arms wrapped around me, tugging me backward. I Try to look over them and to the fucker’s body. I want to make sure he’s unmoving.

“What the fuck was that?” Talon’s voice cuts through, even over the crowd cheering me on. “I think you killed him, dude.”

Good. I hope I did. Fuck the consequences. I’ll gladly live the rest of my life behind bars if he’s dead.

Franco rushes to Ty’s side and checks his pulse. “He’s alive,” he announces. “I’ll have someone come and check him out. You get him out of here,” he tells Talon, but I’m already rushing out.

It feels like an elephant is sat on my chest. I need to get to Kennedy. I need to tell her that I was wrong, that I’m sorry. It all makes sense, everything. Talon yells my name over and over again, but I ignore him, I need to get to her.

Climbing into my SUV, I race out of the parking lot. My hands are slippery as I grip the steering wheel, and I look down to see my hands are covered in blood. I can’t seem to be bothered by it, though, because all I can think about is getting to Kennedy and telling her that I fucked up.

My stomach churns, and acid burns up my esophagus at the thought of what he did to her. I want to punch myself in the face, to rip out my heart and put it on a platter, and give it to her. This whole time she’s been hurting, and for a multitude of reasons, not just because of Jillian’s death but because of the events of that night.

It seems to take forever for me to reach her apartment complex. I barely slam the car into park and turn it off before I’m out and racing inside. I know something is wrong before I even knock. I can feel it deep in my gut. Something is terribly wrong.

I knock once, screaming her name. When she doesn’t answer right away, I can’t wait another second. This bad feeling snakes through me, and I have to get inside, have to make sure she’s okay. Taking one step back, I lift my foot and ram it into the door. The wood easily gives way with the force.

Running into her apartment, I scan the living area quickly before making my way through the rest of the apartment. “Kennedy!”


Bursting into the bedroom, I find it empty too, and the bad feeling in my gut expands. I turn to look into the bathroom, and then I see it. A few strands of her silky blonde hair are falling over the edge of the bathtub. The coppery tang of blood tickles my nostrils, it’s filling the air and making me sick to my stomach.

Walking into the room, my heart sinks to my feet, then stops beating all together when her entire body comes into view. Blood. There is so much blood. Her legs, her hands, her stomach, it’s all covered in blood. I don’t even know where it’s all coming from.

Dropping to my knees on the side of the tub, I call her name, praying she’ll wake up. Her face is pale, and her eyes are closed. My hands tremble as I find my phone. I try and type in the code, but my hands are too bloody, my finger slipping over the screen, but nothing happens. The blood on my hands, making it impossible for me to call for help.

Looking down at Kennedy one more time, I decide I don’t care about anything but getting her help. Plucking her up out of the tub, I try not to be bothered by the warmth that covers my hands and belly.

“I’ve got you. I’m going to take you to the hospital. Don’t die on me, Junebug. Do not die on me,” I croak, and it feels like I’m losing Jillian all over again. I did this. I pushed her, and I have to save her. I have to be the one to make sure she is okay.

Carrying her out of the apartment, I can hear each drop of blood as it hits the floor. When I reach my SUV, I open the back door and put her in the seat, laying her across them. Then I climb in and drive. Speeding the entire way there, I don’t even think I breathe until I’m outside the ER, climbing out and carrying her inside.

“Dear lord,” the nurse says when she spots me. Doctors Copyright 2016 - 2024