Refugee Page 0,88

you do?" she whispered, shaken by his words.

He shook his head, his hand slipped inside his shirt as he pulled something free. "I don't know. That's the kicker of it all, I don't know. But I know you, and I know that in the end you'll make the right choice, but only you will be able to make it. I'll miss you if you choose to leave, and I'll stand by you if you choose to stay."

"Thank you."

He grinned at her, flashing a smile that was so endearingly similar to what she remembered of their mother's. "For saying aloud the same things you already knew?"

She laughed dryly as she rested her head against the trunk of the tree. "For standing by me no matter what. How did it all come to this?"

"You let yourself get caught and hauled into that palace," William informed her.

"Yeah that's exactly what I let happen," she retorted.

They sat together for a long time, silent as they listened to the familiar sounds of the forest. "No matter what happens Aria, something good will come of it."

"I hope so. He's coming."

"How do you..." William broke off the question. "Never mind."

"This is for you." She started as Daniel slid something into her hand. Her mouth parted as she gazed wonderingly at the beautiful drawing before her. Tears clogged her throat. She'd always known Daniel was a talented artist, a trait that he never had enough time for, but this was far beyond anything she could have imagined. She was curled within Braith's lap, her head on his chest as he rested his chin on her head to look at the book in his hand. The looks of love on their faces nearly caused her to sob aloud.

"I came across you by accident. I just saw you for a moment," Daniel added quickly when her face colored faintly. "It was then I realized that what's between you isn't something easily broken, it's not a passing fancy, it's not a rebellious moment, it's not even just love. It's something more, it's this." He pointed at their faces in the drawing. "It astounded me Aria; I can only hope that I find something like this one day."

"Daniel," she breathed, tears slowly rolling down her face. "It's beautiful."

"No matter what you decide, I think you should have this."

She nodded as he ruffled her hair affectionately. William was staring at the sketch over her shoulder when Braith emerged from the cave. "Do you want me to take it?"


William took the drawing from her and slipped it into his shirt. "I'll keep it safe."

"I know."

They remained seated; their heads tilting back as Braith stopped before them. "It's not safe up here."

"We're fine. We know these woods better than most of the animals." He didn't seem at all appeased by her reassurance. He stared hard at each of her brother's obviously wanting them to leave, while she wanted them to stay right where they were. "How did it go?"

He locked his hands behind his back. "We're going to run a few scouting missions to the palace and back. I would like for you to go on one Daniel, so you can get a feel of the town and its dimensions in order to formulate a design."

"Of course," Daniel murmured in assent.

"When do you think we'll be ready to make a move on the palace?" William inquired.

"Hopefully within two weeks. I would prefer to move by the end of this week but I realize that's asking a lot. Jack, Saul, and Barnaby are going into the outer towns to gather the vampire's Jack recruited there. We'll need them here before we can make any solid plans."

"I'd like to go on one of the scouting missions," Aria informed him.

He frowned at her, his fingers curled and uncurled at his sides. "Aria..."

"I've gone on plenty with Daniel and William before." A muscle jumped in his cheek as his jaw clenched. "I'll be fine, and I'm tired of feeling useless and confined. I have to do something useful."

"We'll keep her safe, even from herself," William nudged her playfully.

She rolled her eyes at him and shook her head. He wasn't helping. "No one will recognize me. I need to do this Braith."

The last thing she wanted was to fight with him, but she simply couldn't sit here for the next couple of weeks, being torn apart by her decision and feeling useless. She had to find something to do or she would go crazy.

"Fine," he relented, his shoulders slumping.

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