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man within us."

Aria's head was spinning. "You believe this?"

He shrugged absently. "It's what has been told over the years, but I don't know for certain, no one does."

"And if you change me, you believe I will become a demon or the demon is what will kill me?"

"You already are a little demon." He chuckled at the stern look she shot him. "But no, I don't believe that. I believe that the loss of your blood, and the sudden influx of mine, is what will kill you. I believe the trauma to your system, the changing of your system into ours is what will kill you, but I do not believe you will become a demon, or become infected by one. Most of us are colder and more callous than humans, we feel things more acutely, our needs are more intense, but we control our actions and we are not ruled by some demon inside us. It is why Ashby loves Melinda, why my mother died for Melinda, why Gideon has established a system of equality. It's why I love you. If we were ruled by a demon none of that would be possible. Some of us seem to relate more to their angel or human side, and some to the demon one though."

"I see." Though she was fascinated by what he was telling her, she was barely paying attention to the conversation anymore as his hands clasped hold of her face and he kissed her lightly.

Chapter 9

Braith stood silently, his arms folded over his chest as he watched Aria move about the room with subtle grace. She didn't know he was there as she studied the bindings of the books with interest. Her hands were folded behind her back as she leaned back on her heels before tilting forward again. There was a wistful smile on her face that enchanted him.

He didn't think he would ever get over the powerful effect she had on him. The sway she had over his deadened heart. She leaned back on her heels again. "Are you going to stand there all day?" she asked.

"I didn't realize you knew I was here."

The sunlight lit her features as she tilted her head to study him. "I'd know you anywhere." For a moment he was robbed of all sense of reason. His fingers ached with the need to touch her, to hold her. Standing on her tiptoes she pulled a book from the shelf. "Would you like to read with me?"

He would like nothing more than to curl up and read with her, but that was not why he'd come here. She seemed to sense that as her smile slipped away and she tucked the book under her arm. "What is it?"

"They're going to vote on whether or not they're willing to join us. I thought you would like to be there."

"I would," she agreed. Her hand slid into his extended one. He held her for a moment, simply savoring in her as she watched him. "What do you think they'll vote?"

Braith shook his head. "I don't know. Those creatures have been taken care of, there may be a few left out there, but they're not much of a threat. I think I passed their test. I think I proved that though I was blinded, I am still deadly enough to lead."

"Do you think they suspect you can see when I'm near?"

He shrugged. "I don't think so, though Xavier saw far more of our relationship than I intended for him to. I don't think he will say anything. For now he prefers to watch, listen and learn."

"What does he want to learn?"

"Everything and anything. Xavier's bloodline has always been the record keepers; he knows more of our history than anyone. His leaving was a huge blow to my father. Xavier sees far more than most, he processes things differently. He'll keep what he saw to himself until he can figure out what to do about it."

"Do you think he'll do something bad with it?"

"Not if he wants to live. Xavier, though his original loyalty was to my father, is a man of thought and learning, not one of action and violence. He is logical and fair. He will come to me when he is ready to confront me about you, before he goes to them. He'll look for answers first."

"I think you're right, he seems very curious about us." She rocked back on her heels again. "They will agree to help us."

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