Red Mars (Mars Trilogy, #1) - Kim Stanley Robinson Page 0,160

determine that we need to check your quarters, or your records, to pursue our investigation, then we’re going to do that. We have that authority.”

“I say you don’t,” John said arrogantly, and snapped his fingers in the man’s face.

“We are going to search your rooms,” Houston said, articulating each word very carefully.

“Get away,” Boone said contemptuously, and jerked at the other two and waved them back. He laughed, lip curled with scorn: “That’s right, go! Get out of here, you incompetents—go back and read the regs on search and seizure!”

He went in his room and closed the door behind him.

He paused. It sounded like they were leaving, but either way he had to act like he didn’t care. He laughed, and went to the bathroom and took some more painkillers.

They hadn’t yet gotten to the closet, which was lucky; it would have been hard to explain the torn walker without telling the truth, and that would have been messy. Curious how tangled things got when you concealed the fact that someone had tried to kill you. That made him pause. The attempt had been pretty clumsy, after all. There must have been a hundred more effective ways to kill someone out in a walker on Mars. So if they were just trying to scare him, or were perhaps hoping that he would try to conceal the attack, so that they could find him lying, and then have something on him …

He shook his head, confused. Occam’s razor, Occam’s razor. The detective’s primary tool. If someone attacks you they mean you harm, that was the basic, the fundamental fact. It was important to find out who the attackers were. And so on. The painkillers were strong, and the omegendorph was wearing off. It was getting hard to think. It was going to be a problem disposing of the walker; the helmet in particular was a big bulky thing. But now he was into it, and there was no graceful way out. He laughed; he knew he would think of something eventually.

He wanted to talk to Arkady. A call determined that Arkady had finished the gerontological treatment in Acheron with Nadia, however, and had gone up to Phobos. John had still never visited the fast little moon. “Why don’t you come on up and see it?” Arkady said over the phone. “Better to talk in person, yes?”


He hadn’t been in space since the landing from the Ares twenty-three years before, and the familiar sensations of acceleration and weightlessness brought on an unexpected bout of nausea. He told Arkady about it as they docked with Phobos, and Arkady said, “It always used to happen to me, until I started drinking vodka right before takeoff.” He had a long physiological explanation for this, but the details began to pull John back over the edge and he cut him off. Arkady laughed; the gerontological treatment had given him its usual postoperative lift, and he had been a happy man to begin with; he looked like he wouldn’t be sick again for a thousand years.

Stickney turned out to be a bustling little town, the crater’s concrete dome lined with the latest heavy-duty radiation proofing, and the floor of the crater terraced in concentric rings down to a bottom plaza. The rings alternated between parks and two-storied buildings with gardens on their roofs. There were nets in the air for people who lost control of their leaps across the city, or took off by accident; escape velocity was only fifty kilometers per hour, so it was almost possible to run right off the moon. Just under the dome foundation John spotted a small version of the exterior circumnavigating train, running horizontally compared to the buildings of the town, and moving at a speed that returned its passengers to a sensation of Martian gravity. It stopped four times a day to take people on, but if John took refuge in it that would only delay his acclimatization, so he went to the guest room assigned to him, and miserably waited out the nausea. It seemed he was a planet dweller now, a Martian for good, so that leaving Mars was pain. Ridiculous but true.

The next day he felt better, and Arkady took him on a tour of Phobos. The interior was honeycombed with tunnels, galleries, drifts, and several enormous open chambers, many of them still being mined for water and fuel. Most of the interior tunnels inside the moon were smooth functional tubes, but the interior rooms and Copyright 2016 - 2024