Red Hot Winter - K. Webster Page 0,29

“Frosty bitch.”

I roll my eyes and slip through the crowd of people. I’ve been avoiding anyone I know for the past hour since I’ve been here. Including Callie and Landon. Last time I saw them, they were sucking face on the couch.

Desperate to get away from the idiots of this party, I escape down the hall on a hunt for a quiet place to call August. I end up pushing into a room that already has people in it. I’m about to slip back out when the scene before me has me pausing.


Two boys from school are kissing on her neck. Her shirt and bra are gone. I totally didn’t expect Lauren to be into threesomes.

“Wake up,” one of the boys says to her as he unbuckles his jeans. “Wake up so we can fuck.”

Wake up?

Fury rises up inside of me and I charge over to them. She’s passed the hell out. Her skin is pale and she doesn’t look well at all. Did one of these assholes give her something?

“Yo, rapists in training,” I snap, popping the boy on the left in the head, “get the hell off my friend.”

The boy on the left scowls at me as he rubs at his head. “Go away, bitch.”

“Yeah, bitch,” boy on the right mimics.

I pop his stupid ass in the head too. “Get your asses out of here before I call Sheriff McMahon.”

They stare at me in confusion.

“She’s passed the hell out and you’re feeling her up, assholes. Get it through your skulls. This is not okay.” My voice is shrill and the urge to choke them both is strong.

Boy on the right stands up and stumbles away. Boy on the left is more stubborn. He stares at me with a challenge in his stare as he boldly strokes his dick.

“You’re awake.” He smirks at me.

Oh, hell no.

I grab a handful of his dark hair and drag his drunk ass off the futon. He bellows as I yank him away from her and then release him when we’re near the door.

“Go,” I snarl. “And put your dick away. It’s embarrassing to look at.”

He calls me every curse word in the book as he stands on wobbly legs, shoving his unimpressive dick back into his jeans. Since he’s slower than shit, I shove him out of the room and lock the door.



I rush over to her and kneel in front of the futon as I grab for her shirt. I quickly pull it over her head and push her arms through the holes. Once I have her covered, I try to rouse her.

“Hey, virgin girl. I just saved your ass. Literally.”

She doesn’t move or show any indication she’s aware. My heart rate skitters in my chest. I quickly yank out my phone and call August.

“It’s only been an hour,” he greets, his voice gruff. He always sounds so grumpy when he’s working on his cases.

“I need a ride to the hospital. I think those fuckers gave her something. I don’t know. Something’s wrong with her.” Hot tears prickle my eyes.

“Callie?” I can hear the panic in his voice.

“No, her boyfriend’s sister Lauren. Please, can you just come get us?”

“I’ll be there in ten.”

While I wait for him to arrive, I rush to the attached bathroom and wet a rag. I dab it at Lauren’s throat and temples. Her eyes flutter and when her brown eyes meet mine, confusion glimmers in them. I brush her damp, limp blond hair from her eyes and kiss her forehead.

“You’re going to be okay. Tell me what the boys gave you,” I urge.

She blinks several times. “N-Nothing.”


She’s definitely confused.

“They gave you something. You’re completely out of it.”

Her nose scrunches. “I wasn’t feeling well…and…I don’t think I should have drunk anything. I feel sick.”

“How much did you drink?”

“Uh,” she murmurs, closing her eyes. “Maybe one glass.”

“They drugged you,” I grumble.

“N-No, I poured the d-drink myself.”

“Then what’s wrong?” I ask, my voice a worried whisper.

A tear leaks from the corner of her eyes. “I don’t know. I’m afraid to find out.”

That day in the bathroom at school comes flooding back.

“You can’t hide from the inevitable.”

“Right now I can.”

But not anymore.

My heart sinks because I worry there is so much more than what meets the eye here.

Hurry up, August. This girl needs a doctor and quick.

I pace the waiting room, my mind flooding with a million things that could be wrong with her. We’ve all been sitting here for nearly an hour. And it’s uncomfortable as hell because not only Copyright 2016 - 2024