Red Heir - Lisa Henry Page 0,82

“This? We’re doing this again?”

“Shush, you.” Loth held out a hand helplessly in a wordless plea. “I suppose you’re wondering how I got into this mess.”

“No!” Quinn laughed. “I didn’t care then, and I don’t care now!”

But he crouched and sorted out Loth’s laces, then helped him tug his boots off while Loth grumbled, “You never let me soliloquise.” Once his boots and trousers were off, Loth climbed unsteadily to his feet, finally free of the tangle.

Quinn, because he was slightly more sober and definitely more sensible, took his own boots off before attempting to strip, and then there was a swish of fabric and a pair of trousers hit Loth in the face. He batted them aside and took in the view that was his husband, the king.

Quinn was as far from the too-thin-too-angry boy Loth had met in a prison cell as he could get. In the weeks since they’d arrived in Callier he’d filled out, and his scowl was barely seen these days. His hair and his eyes shone with good health, days spent striding around the castle had developed the long lean muscles in his thighs, and there was almost a plumpness to his cheeks, a softening of the sharp angles that had been there before. He was beautiful, and there was no way that Loth deserved him, or any of this. He certainly wasn’t dumb enough to try to give any of it back though. Hell, no. He wasn’t stupid.

Also, Loth definitely wanted to fuck his new husband. Or be fucked—it could go either way, and hopefully it would. Loth stalked forward and wrapped his arms around Quinn, sliding his hands down his back and giving his arse a light slap. Quinn pulled away and began to walk backward to the bed, the light from the fireplace gleaming on his naked skin.

Quinn grinned. “No soliloquising, not tonight. Now get over here, Your Majesty, and fuck me until I can’t see straight.”

Loth sighed. Was a man never allowed to soliloquise? Then again, it was their wedding night.

“Fine,” he grumbled, striding over to his husband. “Let’s giddy-up!”

Quinn’s jaw dropped. “Oh, you fucking didn’t! A horse joke, Loth? Really?”

Loth laughed as Quinn tackled him onto the bed.

There would be plenty of time to soliloquise in the morning.


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She also has a Facebook group where you’ll be kept in the loop with updates on releases, have a chance to win prizes, and probably see lots and lots of pictures of her dog and cats. You can find it here: Lisa Henry’s Hangout.

You can connect with Sarah on Facebook, or send her an email at [email protected].

Also by Lisa Henry



Two Man Station (Emergency Services #1)

Lights and Sirens (Emergency Services #2)

The California Dashwoods

Adulting 101


He Is Worthy

The Island


One Perfect Night

Fallout, with M. Caspian

Dark Space (Dark Space #1)

Darker Space (Dark Space #2)

Starlight (Dark Space #3)

Playing the Fool series, with J.A. Rock

The Two Gentlemen of Altona

The Merchant of Death


With J.A. Rock

The Preacher’s Son

When All the World Sleeps

Another Man’s Treasure

Fall on Your Knees

Mark Cooper versus America (Prescott College #1)

Brandon Mills versus the V-Card (Prescott College #2)

The Good Boy (The Boy #1)

The Boy Who Belonged (The Boy #2)

Writing as Cari Waites

Stealing Innocents

About Lisa Henry

Lisa likes to tell stories, mostly with hot guys and happily ever afters.

Lisa lives in tropical North Queensland, Australia. She doesn't know why, because she hates the heat, but she suspects she's too lazy to move. She spends half her time slaving away as a government minion, and the other half plotting her escape.

She attended university at sixteen, not because she was a child prodigy or anything, but because of a mix-up between international school systems early in life. She studied History and English, neither of them very thoroughly.

She shares her house with too many cats, a dog, a green tree frog that swims in the toilet, and as many possums as can break in every night. This is not how she imagined life as a grown-up.

Lisa has been published since 2012, and was a LAMBDA finalist for her quirky, awkward coming-of-age romance Adulting 101, and a Rainbow Awards finalist for 2019’s Anhaga.

About Sarah Honey

Sarah lives in Western Australia with her partner, two cats, two dogs and a TARDIS.

A teacher once told her life’s not a joke.

She begs to differ.

Her proudest achievements include having kids who will still be seen with her in public, and knowing all the words to Bohemian Rhapsody.

Red Heir is her first published novel. Copyright 2016 - 2024