Red Heir - Lisa Henry Page 0,27

see the colour high on Grub’s cheeks. “I didn’t—I wasn’t—it was an accident!”

“Was it? Or is it that you do find me irresistible after all? It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Grub. Lots of people feel that way about me.” Loth blew him a kiss.

Grub sat up and scowled, slightly hunched over as if he thought Loth might leap forward and grab his dick without asking, which was highly insulting—Loth always asked first. Loth sighed. “You seem very stressed about this whole thing.” He waggled his eyebrows. “You know what’s good for stress? Orgasms.”

“You’re impossible, you know that?” Grub threw aside the blankets and stalked over to the other side of the room and after a moment’s hesitation, lay down next to Dave. Loth thought about warning him that Dave probably wouldn't be as understanding about unruly erections. Then he decided to flatter himself that the odds of Dave having that effect on Grub were slim, so he settled under the blanket and went back to sleep, grinning to himself.

At least this time Grub hadn’t refused him outright. It was progress.

Calarian wandered out of Benji’s bedroom later in the morning wearing nothing but a dozy smile and a whole lot of charcoal smears against his pale skin. Loth stared at him. Elves really were unfairly attractive, even if Calarian looked like he’d been dragged backwards through a bush several times. As he wandered out the front door, presumably to go and piss, Loth saw a set of very distinct charcoal handprints against the globes of his magnificent arse.

“Wh—what!” Scott exclaimed, flailing his blanket off. “Put some clothes on, Calarian! I can see your—your thingy!”

“It’s a penis!” Calarian said, turning around and giving them all an eyeful. “Most of us have got one!”

“And I’ve had as many as I’ve wanted,” Ada said.

“Scott’s just jealous of your symmetrical balls,” Loth said.

Calarian grinned. “They are nice, aren’t they?”

“Top quality,” Loth said. “Stunning.”

Calarian turned around again, jiggled his handprinted arse, and continued on his way outside.

Loth turned to Grub. Grub was wide-eyed and red-faced. He was holding Pie in his cupped hand, and stroking the fingerdragon’s back gently as he very, very pointedly didn’t stare at Calarian’s arse.

Unfortunately, when Grub turned to avoid the sight, he was greeted by Benji walking out the bedroom, just as naked and just as pretty. Grub froze on the spot, and Loth genuinely feared that he might spontaneously combust. That was the last thing he wanted in a house built of charcoal, so Loth wrapped an arm around his shoulders and steered him outdoors.

The air just outside the cottage was surprisingly clear, just like Benji had promised. Loth patted Grub on the back while Grub took several deep breaths, and Pie flew in tiny circles around them.

“So,” Grub said at last, clearing his throat. He was still bright red. “If Benji can get us to the Torlere road, we can easily find our way to Callier from there.”

“Hmm.” Loth drew the toe of his boot through the mud. “If we’re absolutely sure we want to go to Callier, that is.”

“It’s too convenient, isn’t it?” Grub asked. “This rescue out of nowhere. You think Doom’s behind it.”

“I think it’s possible,” Loth said. “I think it would be in Doom’s best interests to produce the corpse of his tragically murdered nephew, who had a run-in with some bandits on the way to the capital. The prince would be coming of age about now, so the timing fits.”

Grub pressed his mouth into a thin line. For a moment he looked older somehow. His forehead creased in thought. “He could have as easily killed me, or you, in the dungeon back at Delacourt. I’m not saying this isn’t Doom’s doing, but it’s possible that Scott’s benefactor is actually working to secure the rescue of the prince.”

“Well, he’d be a fucking idiot then, wouldn’t he?”

Grub’s mouth twitched. “Probably that too, yes. But it’s not like there’s any shortage of idiots in the world.”

Loth liked Grub, he decided. He was cranky, cynical, and he had a quick mind. It also didn’t hurt that after a decent night’s sleep—once the elves finally ran out of energy, at least—he was passingly attractive in the right light. What a shame he’d declined Loth’s offer to rid him of his virginity last night. Still, they had some more time together, and if this morning was any indicator, he wasn’t entirely immune to Loth’s charms, so Loth could always offer again at some point. Grub was definitely on the Copyright 2016 - 2024