Reclaiming Quinn - Parker Williams Page 0,90

drew a whimper from Deke. “Never knew how good this could be,” he groaned. “Never believed I could love someone so much.”

Deke wanted Quinn to move; he could see the image clearly. Quinn pulled out, then slammed back in, which elicited a grunt from Deke. He repeated the movement, each time feeling the crescendo that Deke was riding. At one point, Quinn knew he’d tagged Deke’s prostate when he shouted, “Yes, like that! Do that.”

Quinn’s heart soared. “I love you!” he cried out.

“Love you so much” came the whispered reply.

And then they were there. Deke didn’t even need to touch himself to shoot a load as Quinn followed him over the edge, giving Deke a second load. Afterward, the room was quiet, except for the panted breaths from both men. Deke rolled over and opened his arms. Quinn looked at them like a safe harbor in stormy seas and let himself be drawn into them.

“That was amazing,” Deke whispered into his hair. “I never knew it could feel like that.”

Neither had Quinn. No pain or cries for mercy. It was all about the love he shared with Deke.

“Next time, you do me,” Quinn said, his voice filled with sleep.

He knew Deke wouldn’t worry if Quinn was ready because he’d be able to feel it in his heart.

“I think we could do that,” Deke replied as he pressed his lips to Quinn’s hair.

Sated, safe, and wrung out, Quinn snuggled in against Deke and fell asleep, secure in the knowledge that his old life was over, and the only thing that remained was the road that stretched out before him.

Chapter Twenty-Four

A SHARP knock on the door had Deke sitting up and running a hand over his eyes. There was a delicious ache in his ass, and he smiled as he remembered Quinn’s mind slotting with his own. When the two became one, Deke felt whole at last. Years of searching for something that would satisfy him had finally come to an end.

Another knock, this one harder.

“Quinn, Rupert’s at the door.”

“Go ’way,” he grumbled but still sat up.

“Quinn, Gareth wants you and Deke to come to the great room.”

“And I wanted a pony, but I never got it,” Quinn snarked. “We’ll be right there.”

It seemed awfully early to be…. Oh crap. It was already nearly noon.

“Holy shit, we slept most of the day,” Deke said, shocked.

“Yet you’re still exhausted.”

It was nice that Quinn could feel him, and even better to know that he’d never have to worry about either of them hiding if they were hurt or upset.

“I am.” He leered at Quinn. “After we see what Gareth has to say, I vote we go back to bed.”

Quinn arched an eyebrow. “Really? At this rate the lube bottle will be empty by the end of the week.”

“I’ll buy the next one. I think I saw a fifty-five-gallon tub online somewhere. That should last us a couple weeks.”

Quinn laughed as he came around the side of the bed, bent down, and kissed Deke. “I gotta admit, Mother Moon knew what she was doing when she handed out mates. Mine is damn near perfect.”

“Damn near?” Deke squawked. “What do you mean damn near?”

A snicker as Quinn turned and headed for the bathroom. In Quinn’s mind, Deke could hear the laughter, and it thrilled Deke how free Quinn felt at the moment. He could also sense the fear that had gripped Quinn since they’d met had been relegated to a bit of background noise. Oh, Deke was under no illusions that Quinn was healed. That kind of trauma didn’t vanish, and he would always need to be alert if it reared up again, but with Quinn saying he wanted to see a therapist, Deke was confident that one day Quinn would exit that dark tunnel for good.

He returned a few minutes later, pink and freshly scrubbed. “You’re not dressed.”

“Crawl back into bed with me. Gareth can wait.”

“No, I can’t,” Gareth boomed from down the hall. “Get your asses out here, or I’m coming in and bringing everyone with me.”

“Think they’d like the floorshow?” Quinn whispered.

“You were a bit of a brat growing up, weren’t you?”

A shrug. “Maybe a little.”

Deke couldn’t wait to see if that Quinn reemerged. He sat up and moved into his chair, grateful when Quinn handed him some clothes. “These should do until we can decide on living arrangements.”

“If you’re with me, I don’t care where we live. I’ll talk to Lyram about building us a cabin, but in the meantime, I’m happy Copyright 2016 - 2024