Reclaiming Quinn - Parker Williams Page 0,71

see any other way to thin the people out. “What if I tell Klein I want to service his guests, make them more amenable to spending large amounts of money? He’s spoken on the phone with people, telling them about my… about Quinn’s talents. Maybe we can use that.”

Zach curled his lip in disgust. “That’s so wrong. And you know it won’t last long. They’ll scent the blood and they’ll come in force.”

“I agree, but we can take some down before that happens. What other choice do we have? We need to try and split them up, make them easier to take out in smaller groups. And we have to do it away from the humans.”

A deep groan rolled out of Zach. “I… see your point.” He speared Deke with a harsh glare. “That doesn’t mean I like it.”

“Do you think I do? This is my mate we’re talking about. He means more to me than anything in the world, and it hurts to use him the same way he was used by Ryker. It’s like he’s being raped all over again.”

The thought hurt so much. He hated that he was being disrespectful to Quinn.

Quinn? I really need you.

There was no answer, and Deke hated that. Deke shouted for their guard. When he opened the door, Deke swallowed hard.

“I need to speak with K… my master.”

The guard snorted. “Fag.”

He closed and locked the door again, but his footfalls heading down the hall let Deke know he was going to deliver the message. Sure enough, about five minutes later, the door opened and Klein strode in, a wide smile on his smug face.

“You wanted to see me, Quinn?”

“Yes, Master. I’d… I was wondering about the auction tonight.”

Klein’s eyes narrowed. “What about it?”

“I thought maybe your guests might be in a better frame of mind if you allowed me to… see to their needs prior to the auction.”

Klein stroked his scruffy chin. “Really, now. Well, that’s quite the change of heart. What brought this about?” he asked as he stepped into the room and closed the door.

“I’m a slave, and it’s my duty to serve my master in whatever way I can. I thought, maybe, if I pleased you….”

He left the rest unsaid. Mostly because there was nothing he could think of that would debase him enough.

“If you pleased them, then maybe you could please me after?”

“If that’s what you wish, Master.”

Don’t puke. Don’t puke. Don’t puke.

“That would make me very happy indeed.” He leered at Deke. “I would love to test you now, but I have a lot to take care of before the clients arrive.”

“Then after, Master.” Deke smiled. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

Deke could smell the arousal, and it disgusted him. Klein closed the door and strode off down the hall, humming to himself.

“That was impressive,” Zach whispered. “I wanted to hurl just listening to it.”

“Imagine how I felt.”

“So how do we do this?”

That was the big question. “We’re going to have to play it by ear. I mean, I have no idea what’s going to happen. Will Klein expect that I’ll do this in front of everyone?”

“You wouldn’t actually do it, would you?”

It sickened Deke. “If I had to.”

“I never could.”

It surprised Deke when he said, “You’d do what you have to, and I think you know it.”

And if he had to debase himself, he would. For Quinn and for the humans. They would get out, no matter what Deke had to do to ensure it happened.

They sat quietly, each lost in his own thoughts. Several hours went by until the door opened again. The guard came in.

“Let’s go.”

He turned and stomped off down the hall. Deke slid to the floor and dragged himself after the guard. When they got to a room, the guard nodded toward it.

“In there. Klein says to be ready. There’s a kit to clean yourself out and some soap to shower with.” He shook his head. “You fags disgust me.”

“Don’t knock it until you try it” came the voice from behind him.

He spun and came face to face with Zach, who slammed his hands on the sides of the guy’s head and twisted hard. The snap was audible, as was the last wheezed breath from the sadistic fucker who’d tortured them both. Zach dragged the body inside and closed the door.

“That’s one down,” he said, seemingly proud of himself. “Goddess, I haven’t felt this alive in years.”

“I’m glad you feel so good,” Deke drawled.

“Hey, this is because of you. I’m eternally in Copyright 2016 - 2024