Reclaiming Quinn - Parker Williams Page 0,52

killed and eaten. Klein’s wolves have been selling humans for slaves or food. What other atrocities happened while she was off licking her wounds?”

Deep down, Quinn didn’t mean any of it. He knew his words had to be hurting Sean, but that anger needed an outlet.

“Licking her wounds?” Sean’s voice went dark and cold. “You don’t know a fucking thing about it. Her wolves weren’t just slaughtered—she had to watch as it happened. She tried to appeal to the Alphas, but they rejected her. The only thing that sustains Mother is our belief in her. When most of her people stopped holding her in regard, her powers waned, until she had nothing left to stop anything that happened. Believe me when I tell you, if she could have, not one Omega would have died. Everything that happened, every drop of blood that was shed, every innocent life that was destroyed, they all took their toll on her too. I’m not saying she suffered like you, but when it happened, she was there with you, doing what little she could to comfort you. Right now, with Gareth’s help, my wolves are starting to believe again, and I’m getting stronger.” A deep sigh. “I’m sorry we weren’t there when you were hurt, and we wish things could—”


It was then Quinn noticed Sean’s eyes, normally an iridescent violet, had gone pitch-black, and his voice took on a sharp edge.

“Yes, we. Do you know how Sean came to be my Omega? It was you, Quinn. Sean was hurting over leaving you, and his pain called to me because it was the first spark I’d seen in so long. It seemed most others had given up, and I couldn’t do anything to help you. Sean? I realized as soon as we met, he was an Omega. At least he was meant to be. But there was no Alpha to nurture that spark within him. I knew if given the chance, Sean could be the one to save my children, so I went to him and gave him almost everything I had left. I planted the seeds, but Sean needed an Alpha to unleash his buried potential. When Sean claimed Gareth, a surge of strength went through me, because my Omega was fully born.”

Holy shit. “Mother?” Quinn wasn’t sure if he should drop to his knees or what. “I thought you’d left.”

She smiled kindly. “I had every intention of leaving Sean to his life, but your pain and need were too great.” Sean’s hand was cool to the touch when she laced their fingers together. “I would have given anything to help you, Quinn. Ryker was strong, and I….” A sob tore from her as she turned away. “I was powerless to save anyone. I watched you every night. I heard you cry yourself to sleep. I saw what they did to you, and instead of the love I’d always felt for my wolves, all I could feel was rage. I did my best to give you comfort, but I knew you couldn’t feel me.”

But deep down, he had. “I think I did. There was something that refused to let me give up.” He hadn’t thought about those times, the pain overriding everything else. “You were there.”

“I was. I tried so hard to stop them, but they couldn’t feel me anymore. I was nothing but a shadow.” She reached up and stroked Quinn’s cheek. “If I’m honest, it was because of you and Sean that I was able to remain in the world at all. His desire to survive and your unselfish need for Sean to be safe is what drew me to you both. I wanted so much to save you, but I didn’t have the strength. I hope you can forgive me for failing you.”

Once again the anger bled from Quinn, until all that remained was the shame he felt for ever doubting she who created them.

“I’m sorry, Mother. I—”

“No, don’t. Please. If I had acted sooner, maybe we wouldn’t be here now. I don’t know. I’ll let you in on a secret. I’m not omniscient. If I had foresight, maybe I could have stopped this before it ever began.”

Quinn had to know. “Why did you create the wolves?”

“I could tell you the story, but I think it would be easier if you let me show you.”

She reached up and put a hand on Quinn’s temple. A haze slid over Quinn’s eyes, and the room melted away. A moment later, everything became crystal sharp, Copyright 2016 - 2024