Reclaiming Quinn - Parker Williams Page 0,50

open. One of Klein’s men stood there, silhouetted in the doorway. “Shut the fuck up, bitches, before I come in and gut you myself.”

Then he slammed the door. There was no conversation after that. Even though Zach was a cop, Deke could still smell the anger and pain wafting off him. He squeezed Zach’s hand again, hoping to give him strength and hope, because before this was over, Deke feared they’d both need it.

Chapter Fourteen

“SLOW DOWN, Quinn. I need you to tell me exactly what Deke said.”

Quinn drew in a deep breath, willing his heart to stop slamming against his ribs, then started yet again. He went through their conversation pretty much verbatim. Through it all, Gareth’s brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

“Alpha, if I may?” Rupert stepped into the center of the group. “The addition of humans to the mix complicates matters. Deke will not be able to shift, and from what Quinn says, his mobility will be impaired.”

“Deke can figure something out, I’m certain.”

“And have you been able to reach him again?” Sean asked, gently rubbing Quinn’s shoulder.

“No. It’s like my brain is tired. I keep trying, and the more I do, the harder it seems to get.”

“Then stop trying, Quinn,” Rupert said softly.

Quinn’s gaze snapped to Rupert, who stood there with a look of pity on his face. “What? No, I won’t!”

“Maybe Rupert has a point,” Gareth said gently. “You’re straining yourself, and that could be part of the problem. Maybe you need to relax a bit and let your mind rest. When Sean and I first communicated, we got cut off too. We have no way of knowing how far away Deke is, so that’s probably adding to the stress. Take a couple of hours and turn your brain off.”

Sean stood and pulled Quinn to his feet. “Come on. Let’s go downstairs and pamper ourselves for a bit.”

“No!” he snarled. “Deke’s in trouble, and he’s got people there who are depending on him. If I wasn’t so weak—”

“Enough!” Gareth roared. “You will go with Sean, and there won’t be another word on the matter. Rupert, you go with them and ensure that Quinn relaxes.”

“Of course, Alpha.”

Though he was doing his best to be strong, tears streamed down Quinn’s cheeks as he clenched his fists and glared at Gareth. “Why are you doing this?”

The stern look melted away, and Quinn couldn’t help but notice the sadness in Gareth’s expression. “Because when Ryker kidnapped Sean, I wouldn’t listen to anyone. Even though I had no fighting skill, I took off on my own, certain I could save him. I ignored Lyram’s advice and got into a vehicle and took off. I had no idea you were there, and when I got you and Sean out of the compound, Ryker and Kristopher struck from behind. It was that exact moment I realized we were all going to die, because I’d been too stubborn to heed the words of people who knew better than me. If Lyram and the pack hadn’t shown up…. Anyway, now that Sean and I have been together for a while, there’s no strain when we communicate. His mind is a welcome oasis in mine. I’m sure that’ll happen for you and Deke too, but that means we have to get him back. What I need you to do is stop hearing with your heart and listen to what your mind is telling you. It’s tired, and pushing yourself now could result in us not finding Deke because you can’t shut down your fear. Do you understand?”

As much as he hated to admit it, Quinn did understand. “Yes, Alpha.”

“Go with Sean, just for a while, okay? Let them give you a massage and—”

“No one touches me but Deke,” Quinn snapped. He was adamant about that. His family was one thing, but people he didn’t really know, like Rupert? No, thank you. He’d had more than enough of that to last him a lifetime.

Gareth held up his hands. “That’s fine. Some aromatherapy, some meditation, even just closing your eyes and listening to music for a bit. Anything to help take you out of your head.”

That was the problem. Quinn had never been taken out of his head. In the back of his mind, Ryker still haunted him or Kristopher was going to come for him, steal him away from Deke in the middle of the night. Violate him again. The closest he ever came was when Deke massaged his back, held his hand, or simply gazed into Quinn’s Copyright 2016 - 2024