Reclaim - Aly Martinez Page 0,65

to make sure it was the truth.

She rested her hands on my chest and toyed with my red tie as she beamed up at me. “I’m…I’m a lot better, Cam.”


God, I’d never get sick of hearing it. I corrected people who shortened my name on a damn-near daily basis. It just wasn’t the same when anyone else said it.

“You look good. Really, really good,” I said, not feeling the least bit awkward about it.

It apparently did not have the same effect on her. She cut her gaze to her shoes, her long hair curtaining off her face. “Compared to the last time you saw me? I would hope so. Hospital chic isn’t really a look I’d like to repeat. God, that was awful.”

I could never explain to her how watching her choose to live again had been the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Though, if she was smiling and wanted to keep things light, I was more than happy to follow her lead.

“Oh, whatever. I think you pulled it off pretty nicely. And look at the bright side: At least we were close to medical help when you broke my heart by telling me you only drink Diet Coke. My recovery has been touch and go, but I’ve managed to carry on.”

As I’d hoped, she chuckled and lifted her head, making a show of it as she craned it all the way back. “Do you take, like, growth hormones or something? I swear Ramsey stopped growing at, like, eighteen and you’re bigger every time I see you. This is getting a tad ridiculous, Cam.”

Another Cam. Was it my birthday already?

I laughed. “I’m six-three. Thank you very much for noticing.” I ran a hand over her head, to where she hit against my shoulder. “I’m assuming the other Oompa Loompas have voted you out of the factory by now?”

Her hand snaked out so fast that I didn’t see it coming before she twisted my nipple.

“Ow, ow, ow. What the hell?”

She fluttered those dark-painted lashes as she peered up at me. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did that hurt?”

It did. But, fuck, I had missed her.

“I can’t believe you’re actually here.”

She shrugged. “You’re always there for me. I figured it was time to return the favor.”

I gave her shoulder a teasing shove. “So, how long are you here for?”

“Depends. How long do you need me to stay?”

I grinned at the familiar words. “In the name of honesty, I must tell you I’m doing okay with all of this. So, technically, I don’t need you to stay.”

Her smile fell almost immediately, and it made me a dick, but damn, it felt good that she wanted to be there too.

Resting my hands on her hips, I playfully swayed her from side to side. “But I’d really fucking love if you did.”

Her whole face lit like I’d mercilessly sacrificed a cricket in her honor. “Are there any hotels in this one-horse town? I could stay the night.”

“Yep. Casa de Cole has a vacancy. Just don’t read the Yelp reviews.”

Like someone had flipped the switch, the light in her eyes went dark. “I can’t stay at your parents’. The whole Caskey family is in town. I was careful not to let anyone see me here today, but I have a sneaking suspicion staying under the same roof might set off a few alarm bells.”

“Fuck it. Let’s set off the tornado sirens too.”

“Camden,” she hissed.

“Relax. Personally, I’m many years removed from giving a shit about what the Caskeys think anymore. But I’d never ask you to stay at my parents’. I don’t even stay there anymore. Not since after a few years back, when my aunt and uncle showed up with Jonathan for an impromptu Christmas visit. Or maybe it was just impromptu for me. Anyway, I told everyone if they stayed, then I wasn’t. So my parents gave me the keys to Dad’s old hunting cabin and told me to kick rocks. Now, if you want my opinion, it was pretty fucked up how, in that situation, I was the one who got the boot out of the house, but I never gave the keys back. On the rare occasion when I come back to Alberton, I always have a place I can stay. And now, long story short, you have a place to stay too.” I was out of breath by the time I finished talking, but Nora was back to smiling, so I figured it was time well spent.

“It’s good to see the growth hormones Copyright 2016 - 2024