Reckless Invitation - Samantha Christy Page 0,9

call you. I got worried. This is the third hospital I checked. I told them I’m your brother.”

“I need to talk to this place about their security,” I grumble under my breath, then I realize I haven’t checked my phone in a while. I should let Krista and Jenn know I’m okay.

“Come again?”

“Nothing. I’m fine. I think you should leave.”

He pulls up the chair. “I’m not going anywhere while you could be dying.”

I point to my head. “I’m far from dying. I fell. I have a concussion. No biggie.”

“Then why are you still here? Shouldn’t they be discharging you?”

“They’re keeping me overnight for observation.”

Concern wrinkles his forehead. “Sounds serious.”

“It’s not. Like I said, observation. Corey, we broke up. You should go.”

He takes my hand. It feels so familiar. “I think I should stay. When you get out tomorrow, you should come home with me so I can take care of you.”

My jaw drops. “You cheated on me. Two weeks ago you cheated on me, and you want me to stay at your apartment?”

“I didn’t cheat on you two weeks ago, Ella. That’s just when you found out.”

I rip my hand away. “I don’t care if it was two weeks or two months. You slept with another woman.”

“I was drunk. I told you it will never happen again. I love you.”

He’s said the words a thousand times. I’ve said them back just as much. This is what I was worried about. Corey has always had this uncanny ability to make me want what he wants. It’s why I locked myself in my apartment for two weeks. I was afraid if I saw him, I’d take him back. I need more time away from him so I can build my walls and become stronger.

“I can’t be with a man I don’t trust. It’s hard for me to believe she was the only one, and I can’t be sure you’ll never do it again.”

“You have my word. I promise.”

“Have you quit drinking?”

He looks like I asked him if the sky is green. “No.”

“Then you can’t promise it won’t happen again.”

“You want me to stop drinking to prove how much I love you? Is that what you want?”

“I don’t doubt that you love me. I still love you. Those feelings don’t go away overnight. But I can never be with you.”

He traces my jaw. “You still love me. I knew it. We’re meant to be together, Ella.”

I reach around on the bed, find the call button, and push it. A moment later, a nurse comes around the curtain. “Is there something I can do for you?”

I nod. “You can escort him out. I don’t want any more visitors.”

“Ella. No.”

I turn away.

“Come now,” the nurse says. “It’s late, and she needs her rest.”

He leaves without another word.

My head slumps into my hands, and I cry until my forehead throbs.

~ ~ ~

“Knock knock,” someone says at the door. Krista and Jenn walk in with balloons.

I smile. “You didn’t have to come. I’m being released this afternoon.”

“Yeah, but hospitals are boring, and we feel guilty about dragging you out against your will last night.”

“I wish I knew you were coming. I’d have asked you to bring—”

“Ta-da!” Jenn reveals the Starbucks cup hiding behind her back.

My eyes mist. “I love you guys.”

Jenn pulls the tray table over and puts down my latte. She hugs me and eyes my bandage. “Seriously, though, are you okay? You took one heck of a fall.”

“More importantly,” Krista says, “you got to ride in a limo with Reckless Alibi.”

I chuckle.

“Come on, sister, spill!”

They take a seat on either side of the bed.

“I don’t remember much more than being morbidly embarrassed. I mean, the guy picked me up and carried me to the car like a baby.”

“Eek!” Krista squeals. “Not just any guy. Liam fucking Campbell.”

A smile spreads across my face.

“What is it?” Jenn asks.

“They thought we were married.”

They are both about to jump out of their skin. “Tell us everything,” Krista says. “Don’t leave out a single detail.”

They hang on every last word as I tell them what happened.

“You got pictures with him, right?” Jenn asks, glancing around the room. “What did he sign for you?”

“Uh …”

Krista’s biting stare scolds me. “El, tell me you got some swag out of this.”

I shake my head.

Krista feigns heart failure. “And you just let him leave?”

“Weren’t you listening?” Jenn says. “She told him to go.”

“You’re crazy!” Krista shouts.

I cringe, because I still have a pounding headache.

“Sorry, but you really missed an opportunity there.”

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