Reckless Invitation - Samantha Christy Page 0,88

you, and I loved you with all my heart, but a piece of me was missing. I guess I went looking for that piece.”

“And Dad forgave you?”

“Not at first. But you weren’t even two years old. He stayed for you and eventually we worked it out.”

“Wow, okay.”

“My indiscretions were far worse than Corey’s.”

“How so?”

“I had a long-term affair. It lasted almost a year.”

“You cheated on Dad for a year?” Did New York City just have an earthquake, because it feels like the ground shifted under my feet.

“In my whole life, it’s the thing I’m most ashamed of.”

“Did you love the other man?”

“I thought I did, but in the end, no. He was a replacement for Ava. He was shiny and new and exciting. He made me feel like I wasn’t the mother of a dead baby.”

“Mom, that’s awful.”

“I know. But it’s how I felt about myself. When I was with your father, I was the sad woman who’d lost a child. But with him, I was just Ann.”

“How did it end?”

“Your father found a letter the man wrote me. He confronted him, even told his wife.”

I gasp. “He was married, too?”

“We were young and stupid. Your father hated me for a while. I begged him to go to counseling. He resisted for months. I went on my own. I learned a lot about myself. I finally wore him down. And now look where we are, twenty years later.”

“I always thought you and Daddy were perfect together.”

“We are, but it took a while for us to get back there.”

“Still, I’m not sure how this all applies to me. I love Liam, not Corey.”

“You love him?”

“I do.”

“Does he share the sentiment?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t told him. We don’t talk about that stuff.”

“You have only known each other for a few months. Are you sure you’re not with him to get over Corey?”

“Mom, drop it. I’m not getting back with Corey. Even if Liam and I don’t work out, I still won’t go back to him.” As I say the words, a weight lifts off my shoulders. I realize I’d rather be alone than with someone I can’t love and trust fully.

“If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

“When can we meet this new man then? How about tonight? Can we take you out for dinner?”

“Tonight?” I try to think up a quick excuse, but my mind fails me. “I’ll have to check with him. He’s pretty busy.”

“I’m sure he’s not too busy to meet your parents.”

Would he agree to meet them? It’s a big step. I’m almost afraid to ask him. Our relationship is fragile at best.

“We won’t bite, Ella.”

“You promise not to come on too strong?”

“I’ll wait to plan the wedding until our second meeting.”


“I’m kidding.”

We hang up. I text Liam with the dinner invitation. While I wait for his reply, I think about Mom’s revelation. She told me so I’d reconsider things with Corey, but it did the opposite. Her telling me makes me think Liam and I might be able to overcome his past. They went to therapy. What if Liam did too? I could go with him. It’s far too early to bring something like that up with him, but the thought of it gives me hope.

~ ~ ~

“So,” Liam says, leaning in the doorway. “Meeting the parents. You know I’ve never done this before, right?”

We’re on the way out. I pull the door closed and lock it. “I figured. It doesn’t mean anything. I talk about you sometimes, and they want to meet you, that’s all.”

He raises a brow. “You talk about me? What do you say?”

“I had to tell them something, Liam. I did go to Florida with you for six weeks. I told them about Reckless Alibi and the tour.”

“What did you say about me specifically?”

We get on the empty elevator. “That you’re super talented, and nice. And … hot.”

He traps me in a corner. “You told them I’m hot?”

I swallow and look up at him. “I think I may have used the word handsome.”

He kisses me. I wish we could ride back up and go to my bedroom.

“What else did you say?”

I shrug.

“Do they think I’m your boyfriend?”

“I didn’t put a label on it. Don’t worry, I don’t think they’ll call you that.”

“What do you call it when the guy you’re with doesn’t want to be with anyone else, and you don’t want to be with anyone else?”

I suck my bottom lip into my mouth. “You don’t want to date anyone else?”

He whispers, “I don’t want to Copyright 2016 - 2024