Reckless Invitation - Samantha Christy Page 0,34

know it’s wrong. What he did was awful. Unforgivable.”

I kick a shell. “It’s amazing how we let people we love treat us.”

“So we are a lot alike.”

“I told you, El. I’m nothing like you, and you should be goddamn grateful for that.” I hold out a hand. “Give me your phone.”


“Just give it to me.”

She places it in my palm. I page through her recent texts until I see his name. He’s been doing more than calling. I read a few and then type out my own.

I’m fine, Corey, but I’m gone. Please don’t contact me anymore. Goodbye.

“What are you doing?”

“What you should have done.”

She takes the phone back and reads the text I sent. I brace myself, expecting her to lay into me, but she seems relieved. “I suppose I should thank you. I should have sent that text long ago.”

“You should turn it off. I’m sure he’ll reply.”

She hands it back to me. “You hold on to it for a while. That way I won’t be tempted to look.”

I stuff it in a pocket, and we finish our run.

~ ~ ~

It’s hot and humid. My shirt is drenched by the time we play our last song at the outdoor shrimp festival in downtown St. Augustine. Despite the heat, people are dancing. Ella stands off to one side, her hips swinging to the beat. I give her a smile. She responds by doing the “I love you” sign with her right hand. I’m pretty sure she thinks it means something else.

After we finish, we pose for pictures and sign autographs. The crowd clears, and Ella finds me. She holds out a T-shirt. “Sign this for me?”

I cock my head. “You want me to sign a Reckless Alibi T-shirt? Are you going to wear it?”

“Why not? It will be good advertising.” She gestures to several girls nearby who are already wearing them.

I wasn’t even aware they were being sold here, but I admit I love the idea of people having them. I especially like the idea of Ella wearing one.

“I’ll sign it, but you have to put it on right now.”

“Here?” She glances around.


“Fine, but only because I’m all sweaty.” She eyes the shirt stuck to my skin. “Looks like you should get one too.”

I laugh. “I’m not going to wear an RA shirt.”

“There are a lot of booths here selling T-shirts. I’ll change into this one if you wear another one of my choosing.”


I help the guys pack up our gear as she goes in search of one. Ten minutes later, she hands me a fresh shirt. It says “I’m a shrimp” over a giant picture of a prawn.

“You want me to wear a shirt saying how tiny I am? El, you don’t understand men very well.”

“It’s a huge shrimp. Some might even call it jumbo. You said you’d wear whatever I bought you.”

I peel off my wet shirt and toss it in a nearby trashcan. I don’t miss the way she’s averting her eyes. Yeah, she’s trying not to look at me. I almost make a snarky comment. Then I remember why she shouldn’t be looking at me that way and quickly don the shrimp shirt.

A few girls come over, wanting a picture. “They saw you half-naked,” Ella whispers before stepping away. Soon there’s a large gathering. One of them gets my shirt out of the trashcan. Gross.

Thor comes over to make sure everything is okay. A few people surround Ella. “Go check on her,” I say.

“We’re ready to head out, Ms. Campbell,” he says loudly.

One of the girls at Ella’s side says, “Oh my God, you’re married to Liam?”

She’s caught off-guard. “Uh, no.”

“Liam’s married,” the girl says to her friends as if delivering news that her dog just died.

Someone comes up behind me. Ronni takes my elbow. “Liam is not married. It’s an unfortunate coincidence that they have the same last name. Rest assured, not only is he single, he’s available.”

Several girls scream. More come over and want pictures. Ronni moves aside, obliging them while eyeing Ella like she’s a piece of spoiled meat. What’s with her? She’s not actually jealous, is she?

“Reckless Alibi will be playing in Port Canaveral this weekend,” Ronni announces. “We hope you’ll drive down and join them.”

After the crowd clears, Ronni and Thor leave. Something occurs to me. “Fuck. There are now a dozen pictures of me out there wearing this stupid T-shirt.”

“I think it’s adorable,” Ella says. “Which reminds me, I need to change, too.”

She ducks into a porta-potty. When she Copyright 2016 - 2024