Reckless Invitation - Samantha Christy Page 0,13

to him now? Maybe then we can set something up for when we get back?”

“Sure thing.”

“And we’ll meet with Jeremy to see about a new rehearsal spot.”

“And Ronni,” Crew says.

“Yeah, that’s what I meant.” I put my jacket on. “I’m taking off.”

Crew looks at me sideways. “You got somewhere to be?”

“I do.” I tap my head. “The flood gates have opened, my friend. I’ve got some composing to do.”

Chapter Six


My trashcan is filling up with cards, candy, and flowers. None of which I want. Corey seems to think that after he lied his way into seeing me at the hospital last Friday, he’s free to start courting me again.

I can’t even get away from him in my own apartment.

I wish I had work to keep me busy, but I’m between jobs. I have a meeting next Monday with an author who is looking for someone to illustrate an entire series, not just one book. I skim my hand across the shelf where I keep all the books I’ve worked on since I graduated two years ago. Twenty-one. That may not seem like a lot to some people, considering the average children’s book is only thirty-two pages long, but there is an illustration on each page or two, and it’s pretty much taken up most of my time.

The nature of my job means I’m not always sure where my next paycheck is coming from. Getting a ten-book contract would set me up for the entire year.

I sit at my art table, doodling and listening to my playlist. A Reckless Alibi song comes on. I sing along with it. I know a lot of the songs now. I’ve played them many times since I came home from the hospital. Krista and Jenn were right—they are crazy good.

I’ve since found out the band has only recently come to be on the radio. No wonder Liam didn’t get recognized by anyone in the hospital or on the street as we waited for a cab. I wonder how long that will last. Seems to me a band that good won’t be playing in clubs very long.

I study my drawing. The character I’ve sketched looks surprisingly similar to Liam Campbell. I draw a girl with a bump on her head next to him. Then I glance in the mirror. My goose egg has flattened out, and all that remains is a greenish-yellow circle.

I haven’t had any headaches in twenty-four hours. That’s my cue to get out there and run again. I put down the pencil and reach for a jacket, deciding there’s no time like the present to go for a walk. Maybe even a jog, depending on how I feel.

Before I get out the door, my phone rings. I don’t know who it is. The number is not from around here. “Hello?”

“Hello, Mrs. Campbell.”

My lips curl in surprise. “How did you get this number, Mr. Campbell?”

“We’re married. It only makes sense I’d have it.”

“Very funny.”

“Okay, so I may have called myself from your phone when you were changing. You really should keep your phone locked, you know.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t go around snooping in random girls’ phones.”

“You’re hardly a random girl. Are you doing all right? How’s the head?”

“Good. In fact, I was heading out for my first run—or at least a walk—to test the waters.”

“I was hoping we could meet up.”


“I have something to show you.”

“What could you possibly have to show me?”

“You’ll see. Can you meet me? I’ll come to your place.”

I hesitate. He knows where I live, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea.

“So not your place,” he says in response to my silence. “How about I meet you where you run?”

“You want to go to Central Park?”

“It’s as good a place as any. I can be there in ninety minutes. Text me and let me know where to find you.”


“See you then, El.”

My pulse quickens when he calls me that. Krista and Jenn use the nickname all the time, but Corey never did. He was too formal for nicknames. I try to quickly come up with a nickname for Liam but can’t. I may be artistically creative, but I have zero wit. “Bye, Liam.”

I return to my bedroom and change into my best, most flattering, running pants. Then I roll my eyes at myself in the mirror.

~ ~ ~

I see him across the lawn. He hasn’t spotted me yet, and I take a minute to look him over.

He’s handsome. His thick, dirty-blond hair barely reaches his collar. It’s currently under a Copyright 2016 - 2024