Reckless Invitation - Samantha Christy Page 0,112

did you expect after you let me do what I did to you?”

I flash her a devilish grin. “Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be ready for round two.”

~ ~ ~

Bria, Crew, and I arrive at IRL at 9:45.

“Why do you think Garrett left so early this morning?” Bria says.

“Beats me. He said he had to take care of some things and he’d meet us here.”

I open the door to a flurry of activity. I’ve never seen so many people here at one time. Niles greets us before we’re two feet inside the door. “Lots of changes happening today,” he says cheerfully. “Can I get you anything before you start?”

“I think we’re good.” I whisper to Bria and Crew after he leaves. “See that? He’s kissing our ass so he can save his job.”

Bria looks at me. “Is his job in jeopardy?”

“Guess it will be up to the new boss.”

Crew laughs. “Garrett Young, owner and CEO of Indica Record Label.”

“What does that make us?” I ask.

“Friends of the boss, I guess. Not a bad position to be in.”

Dirk comes through the front door, followed by a suit that must be his lawyer. He doesn’t make eye contact with me on his way to the conference room. How the tables have turned. It’s delicious.

Some guy sticks his head in the hallway and sees us. “If you’re ready, we’ll get started.”

“Who’s that?” Bria whispers.

“Hell if I know.”

“Should Crew and I wait out here?” she asks the stranger.

“Mr. Young would like all of Reckless Alibi present.”

“Mr. Young?” I mumble in amusement. “But Brad’s not here.”

“Brad Templeton is parting ways with Reckless Alibi. His presence is not required.”

We enter the room. Garrett’s already inside, sitting next to the guy who called us in.

“This is Joe Perry, my lawyer,” Garrett says.

My brows shoot up. “Since when do you have a lawyer?”

“Since yesterday, when I met with him to collect my inheritance. I called him late last night and asked if he’d represent me in this deal. We’ve been at it since seven o’clock this morning.”

“Been at what?” Crew asks.

“You’re about to find out. Sit.”

We take seats across the table from Dirk and his lawyer. Dirk sips his coffee so he doesn’t have to look at me—as if that will somehow protect him.

“First thing’s first,” the suit says. “I’m Jason Kutcher. I represent Mayor Campbell in the sale of the company and the matter of the video Liam Campbell will be forfeiting in exchange for the transaction.”

He pushes papers across the table to me and Garrett’s lawyer. “Sign these, Mr. Campbell. They’re all straightforward. It says the copy you are surrendering is the only one and you’ve not made a backup or duplicate. The non-disclosure agreement states you’ll not discuss any conversation, situation, or meeting, whether in person or overheard by circumstance concerning my client, Dirk Campbell.”

Mr. Perry quickly reads through them and nods. I sign all the copies and pass them back.

“Now to the sale of Indica Record Label,” Mr. Kutcher says. He passes us each a packet.

“Why do we need these?” Crew asks.

“You’re all named in the purchase agreement,” Mr. Perry says. “Mr. Young is putting up the capital to buy the company, but he, along with Brianna Cash, Christopher Rewey, and Liam Campbell, will be equal and controlling partners.”

The three of us look at each other. We’re surprised, to say the least. Bria’s mouth opens and closes repeatedly, but nothing comes out.

“What? Why?” Crew asks.

“We’re a team,” Garrett says. “I don’t want my being the boss to come between us. Now pick your jaws off the table and sign. I want this. I don’t give a shit about the money. I just want to be a rock star.”

“None of us know how to run a company,” I say.

“But Niles does. We’ll keep him on as president.”

That makes sense. “Okay. Where do we sign?”

Thirty minutes later, Garrett hands over the check, I surrender the flash drive, and then my uncle and his suit leave. Dirk doesn’t say a word or look at me. The motherfucker knows I’ve won.

“So that’s it?” I ask. “We own the company?”

“That’s it,” Mr. Perry says. “I’ll file the paperwork with the state.” He shakes our hands. “Good luck.”

We sit in the conference room, not knowing what to say. Then Crew’s face breaks into a brilliant smile. He gets up and runs a victory lap around the conference table, then lifts Bria and spins her around while the rest of us holler and whoop.

I pick up Dirk’s coffee cup Copyright 2016 - 2024