Reckless - Candace Wondrak Page 0,95

could hear him.

Did I care if everyone else knew that I was dating Vaughn and Dante at the same time? No, but I could imagine the rumors that would circulate. Not only was I a killer, but I was also fucking my two soldiers. They were ready for duty to kill my enemies and prepared to serve me in bed, too. I didn’t care what anyone thought of me; I’d never been that girl.

Advertising it at the top of Dante’s lungs was just not something I’d thought I would have to deal with.

“Can you please stop?” I asked, dropping my hands from my face.

“I’ll stop if you come with me this afternoon,” Dante spoke, grinning. His teeth were brilliantly white, a psychotic kind of smile, the kind of smile that made me both warm inside and worry for my sanity.

Did it make me insane, to care for him? Maybe, but you know what? I didn’t care. I didn’t care at all.

“I can’t just drop everything and go with you,” I said. “I have…lots of stuff to do. Homework and all that.” Okay, I sounded ridiculously lame, but still. I could not imagine going to Jacob and telling him that I was going to ride with Dante and go to his place. And then what? Would Jacob want to come inside the motel room? He’d have to watch whatever took place—

Dante lifted a brow. “That wasn’t very believable. Come on, Jaz. Come with me and get fucked.”

“Oh, my God,” I hissed. “Fine. I’ll go with you, if you promise me you’ll stop saying things like that.” I’d deal with Jacob after school, along with texting Mom. I wouldn’t tell Mom the true story—I still hadn’t introduced her to Dante, fearing what she’d think of me if I did. One look at him, and I bet she’d be reminded of Dad, nevermind the fact that Dante actually worked for him.

“Maybe I should come, too,” Vaughn said, causing both Dante and me to look at him.

That was forward, so much more forward than I ever thought he’d be, and I couldn’t help but wonder if all of this talk of fucking me turned him on a bit. Vaughn had been content watching Dante have his way with me after the dance, and if I had to admit, that had been one hell of a ride. I’d be down for round two.

“I don’t recall inviting you,” Dante quipped.

“Seeing as how I’m paying for your room there,” Vaughn spoke, “I’ll go if I want to.”

Dante bristled. “Fine.”

I wanted to laugh, because I couldn’t believe these two were making plans to screw me while in a dingy motel room, but thankfully, the bell rang.

As we got up, Dante leaned in to me to whisper, “I’ll meet you near my bike, babe.”

His nickname of babe still wasn’t my favorite, but I’d long since stopped trying to tell him to stop. Dante did as Dante wanted, and today it seemed he wanted me over.

The sheer possibilities of what could happen in that motel kept my imagination going all afternoon. Not going to lie, thinking of having both Vaughn and Dante to myself in private did get me worked up. My thighs clenched of their own accord a few times, not going to lie.

I ended up texting Mom that Bobbi and I were working on choir songs, and since her dad didn’t want her to come over to our house, we had to do it in the school, where we could be supervised. I felt a little bad lying to her, but it was a necessary evil. There was no way she’d ever approve of Dante or Vaughn. They were too wild, too chaotic. Plus, anyone with eyes would know just by looking at them that they were two intense personalities.

When the end of the school day came, I could not hide my excitement. It felt like it’d been too long since I’d been with either of them, honestly. Getting down and dirty with each of my guys was one of the last things on my mind with everything else that had been happening, so we were due for a heated session.

And, anyways, if I ended up dying here, if this place killed me after all, wasn’t it better to live with no regrets? To do what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it, and not save things for a future that might not ever arrive? That’s what I thought, anyway. Maybe that was simply me Copyright 2016 - 2024