Reckless - Candace Wondrak Page 0,89

wrong to feel so wanton, so needy? I couldn’t remember ever feeling this horny in my life.

Jacob said nothing, and the moment I felt him push inside me, my eyelids snapped shut. I groaned, my nails digging into his back. Or, rather, his shirt. Both of us still had our shirts on; maybe that made it hotter, more forbidden, somehow. I had no idea. All I knew was that I needed this man, and I needed him right now.

Thank God he’d brought a condom with him. Thank freaking God.

Once all the shit settled—and assuming I was still alive when it did—I’d have to ask my mom about getting a doctor’s appointment and getting on the pill.

Yeah. The pill would be nice, and then I could be one with my guys with no barriers. Not getting pregnant would be a nice bonus, too.

Jacob moaned as he thrusted his hips, slowly at first, but like always, it was only a few moments before things turned hard and rough. Just like his personality, and yet I knew the man cared for me. He cared for me in ways his words could not describe. The slip-up of saying he loved me wasn’t a slip-up at all; I knew it, he knew it. It was only a matter of time until he told me he meant it, and I couldn’t wait for that day.

I surrendered myself fully, my body still riding the high of the orgasm as Jacob fucked me. I bunched up his shirt, my body taking every inch of his thick dick in as he pumped in and out. I could tell when he was getting close, because his thrusts became harder, his moaning turning into straight up grunting.

His orgasm came, and his entire body tensed above mine, his cock emptying inside of me with a twitch. I wished I could hold him close, keep him with me, inside of me, for eternity. Forget about the murders and the frame job. Forget about all of it.

Jacob was slow to pull out of me, breathing hard as he rolled beside me. “Well,” he muttered, his skin a bit sweaty from our exertions, “fuck.”

Yeah, ditto.

I wanted to stay where we were, be close to him for a while longer, but Jacob got up, searching for something to use to pull the condom off. I didn’t have any tissues or anything in my room, so he gathered his clothes and poked his head out of my room, into the hall. My guess, he disappeared into the bathroom just down the hall. Hopefully he’d be smart enough to wrap that condom up in a big wad of toilet paper and bury it in the garbage.

Knowing I’d best get up and get clothed too, I forced myself off my bed and picked up my pajama pants and the underwear wadded inside it. After putting them back on, I also went to find my favorite bra on my dresser, sliding off my shirt and putting that on, too. Just a simple black one, but it was the comfiest, and it fit my boobs the best.

Jacob returned by the time I was tugging my shirt back down over my head, and he made sure to leave the door wide open this time. I’d never look at that door the same way again, honestly. “I’m going to be downstairs,” he said, frowning. How that man could frown so easily after having an orgasm was beyond me. It seriously was his go-to facial expression. When in doubt, frown it out.

“Okay,” I said. “I’m going to try to finish my homework and not think about how you just pounded me in my own bed.” I spoke it matter-of-factly as I returned to my desk, and I didn’t have to look behind me to know that Jacob’s cock was still semi-hard from our session.

I bet it twitched at my statement, too.

By the time Mom came home, I was done with my homework, and I acted like I hadn’t even known Jacob was downstairs. She then told me she’d invited him to stay for dinner, and he’d accepted.

Right, because that wouldn’t be awkward.

Ollie came home early in the afternoon, and he and Jacob talked a little in his office. I hung out with my mom in the kitchen for a bit, finally having changed out of my pajamas. Mostly because Mom scolded me since we had company over. Not sure if I’d consider Jacob to be official company, but I supposed to Mom he was. Copyright 2016 - 2024