Reckless - Candace Wondrak Page 0,39

I’d go that far, but I let her have her way. Still, I’d feel really bad if something were to happen to her because of me.

“Enough about me,” Bobbi spoke, trying to act normal, as if everything wasn’t falling apart around me. “How are you holding up? I can’t imagine what stress you’re under.”

“I was okay, before I found out Deetra and Chelsea attacked you,” I answered honestly. “Besides that, everything else is fine. Oliver hired a private investigator to help out and be my bodyguard, pretty much.” I’d kept that detail to myself before, but seeing as how things were going, it looked to be a permanent arrangement.

Bobbi’s eyebrows lifted. “Wow, I’ve never heard of the famous Oliver Fitzpatrick enlisting outside help.”

With everything he’d told me, with what I now knew about his sons, I knew exactly why he was taking this so seriously. Ollie wanted to do right, for once, not because he was getting paid to do it, not because the Scotts were forcing his hand, but because he wanted to tip the balance that had been his life. It was something I could respect.

“I’m just glad he doesn’t think I did it,” I said.

Bobbie reached for my arm, gently touching me as she whispered, “I don’t think you did it, either. If my dad wasn’t such a dick, I’d be over your house all the time. I could help get your mind off of all of this.”

I gave her a smile. I appreciated the thought, I really did, but now that I knew she was targeted because of her association with me, that was the last thing I wanted. “I had a talk with Archer.”

That must’ve been the last thing she was expecting, because her hazel eyes widened. “You did? When? How did it go? I can’t even imagine…”

“Long story short, I think he wants to start over.”

She looked like she didn’t know whether or not she should be cringing or smiling in support. “Is that what you want, after everything?”

I thought about our talk yesterday, how genuine he’d looked and sounded. After he’d spoken with Ollie, even Ollie didn’t think he’d killed Brittany, which left us with a whole host of new questions. I was weak to Archer, in spite of everything. If we started over, tried to forget the mistakes of the past, I knew that weakness would only grow.

Was it what I wanted?

I…I didn’t know. Was it wrong if I said yes?

I decided to play it cool, or as cool as I could, saying, “Maybe. We can at least try.”

Bobbi studied me, a knowing look on her face, as if those hazel eyes could see right through me. Her brown hair was straightened today, its highlighted lengths pulled to one shoulder. “You still like him,” she whispered.

The bell had rung, but Ms. Haber was still in her office, as she often was when class should’ve technically begun. We still had a few more minutes to talk.

Bobbi’s words echoed in my head, and I felt my lips purse. I shouldn’t, that’s for damned sure. It wasn’t like I was lacking for physical contact, having three undefined relationships with Vaughn, Dante, and Jacob. I didn’t need more dick to add to the roster, but…but I did. I still liked Archer Vega, despite it all.

Hmm. Speaking of undefined relationships—maybe that should be something we talked about.

“I think I do,” I muttered. “I don’t know why.” That was the question of the week, apparently. Why did I still like Archer Vega, even after everything he did? Why did I want to start new with him? He didn’t deserve another chance.

But, even though he was a liar who tended to jump to conclusions, he wasn’t that bad of a guy. Archer could’ve walked away when he found Ryan and his friends about to rape me in the locker room. He could’ve closed his eyes and walked away, or even joined in. No, he’d stepped in, saved me.

“The heart wants what it wants,” Bobbi spoke, sighing. “Sometimes you can’t help it.”

If that was true, then my heart was a greedy little bitch. I had feelings for them all, as weird as it sounded, and I’d come to depend on them all in different ways, for different things. Vaughn, Dante, Jacob…even Archer.

How the hell did I wind up in this mess?

Dante and Vaughn were not happy to hear about Archer. They were pissed that he’d come to my house to talk to Ollie, and that he’d talked with me afterward. Copyright 2016 - 2024