Reckless - Candace Wondrak Page 0,12

could wipe my tongue and my memory of the taste.

“That’s mine, anyways,” Jacob muttered, shooting me a glare. A typical expression when he was around me, but I liked to think of his glares and his glowers as his own special type of love language. He didn’t look at everyone like they were the most annoying person he’d ever met. No, he saved those looks for me.

“What’s yours is mine,” I quipped, sounding far too happy for someone who was dragged out of her school the day before on murder charges.

“That’s what they say about married couples.” Jacob’s hands tightened on the wheels, and I let my mind wander a bit. Those hands did feel awfully nice roaming certain places on my body, not going to lie. They were large hands, very rough, firm and unyielding. Those hands could make me forget everything and turn to goo. There was no better feeling in the world, except not being framed for murder.

I leaned my head back on the headrest behind me, staring at him all the while as I said, “What does that make us?”

“Uh, not fucking married, that’s for sure.”

I laughed, I couldn’t help it. Jacob could literally say the most insulting thing I’d ever heard, and I’d still feel all giddy inside, like a schoolgirl with her first crush. I had no idea what it was about Jacob Hall, but there was definitely something.

The car became silent, and I did my best to mentally prepare myself for what would happen once I arrived at school. This was new territory for me. On the upside, Brittany wouldn’t be at school, but on the downside, her cronies would probably make it clear through some kind of taunt or threat that I would get mine eventually.

Or maybe they’d ignore me because they’d fear they would be my next target. If there was any place where being feared was a good thing, it was definitely Midpark High.

Jacob broke his silence, “You going to be okay in there?” He sounded very worried. You know, for him.

“Yes, Mom, I’ll be fine,” I deadpanned, holding back a laugh when he shot another glare my way.

“I’m serious, Jaz. This shit is real. Someone is after you, and if they’re willing to kill to paint your reputation black, they’ll do anything. I’d stay the fuck away from Archer Vega.” Jacob paused, adding under his breath, “And the Scott, and that Dante freak.”

I blinked. “So, basically, I should just be attached to you by the hip?”

Jacob let out a sigh that was more like a growl. Typical Jacob fare.

“Or were you thinking someplace else?” Leaning over the center console, I set a hand on his leg, slowly running it up because I knew it would drive him crazy. My lips wore a sly grin, and I got my answer when he pushed my hand off him.

“Don’t,” he muttered. “I’m taking you to school, not my bed, Jaz.”

“How old are you? We don’t need a bed—”

Jacob then gave me a look that said he either wanted to kill me or fuck me, or maybe both, and I felt my body heat up. Getting turned on before walking the halls of the high school was not the smartest thing, not when the only people who could relieve me of that horniness were psychos on two legs.

Sexy psychos, but still psychos.

I waved a hand through the air, muttering, “Fine, fine. I’ll be good.” Reluctantly, but good nonetheless.

That was the plan, anyway, but as Jacob pulled into the parking lot and joined the line of cars dropping off kids near the front doors, I knew it probably wouldn’t happen. When the hell was I ever good? Hardly ever, even when being good would help me out. I think I liked being bad just a little bit too much.

Something else I inherited from my dad, maybe?

When Jacob pulled up to the doors, I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed my bag, about to hop out—the routine my mom and I had taken—but Jacob reached for me, grabbing my wrist and stopping me. I met his hazel eyes, instantly lost in them and hardly hearing his uttered words: “Be careful.” And then he let me go.

Right. I had to be careful. This wasn’t just a normal school day. No school day would ever be normal again, I had the feeling.

I nodded once and got out, pausing as Jacob’s car drove off to stare at the Midpark High wording attached to the outer walls of the school. Copyright 2016 - 2024