Reckless - Candace Wondrak Page 0,106

world, flying higher than the sky itself.

She changed me. She made me want to be better. I never could be, but that wasn’t the point. The point was I wanted to be. I wanted to be everything she wanted me to be, to prove myself to her.

But maybe that was the thing. Jaz had never asked me to prove myself to her, never said she wanted me to be anything different than who I already was. She wanted me for me.

Dante went back to making out with her while I continued to pummel her from behind. I worked hard, my body lost in its own quest for release. Heated lust coated every single vein in my body, my heart beating so fast I thought it might burst out of my chest as I went at her. When I reached that precipice, when I felt my lower abdomen tighten and my balls tense, I knew it was all over.

A moan came from me, and I jerked into her once more. Hot cum shot from my cock, pleasure taking hold of me and practically suffocating me as I came. It was a rush, and even when it was over, I could still feel its effects on me. I didn’t want to move, didn’t want to pull out. I wanted to do absolutely nothing.

Alas, I had to pull myself out and clean up. At least a little. When I returned to the bed, I found Dante and Jaz hadn’t moved an inch, though they were done making out. I climbed onto the bed and cuddled closer to her back, placing a hand on her hip.

“Is it bad that I don’t want this moment to end?” Jaz murmured. Though she faced Dante, I knew the question was meant for both of us.

“No, babe,” Dante whispered.

“No,” I agreed. How could I argue? This, being here with her, even with Dante here…it was nice. It was nice, a respite from all of the shit happening outside. Midpark wasn’t safe for Jaz; I’d known it for a while, but lately, as more crimes get added onto the pile, I’d really come to see it.

Someone had it out for her, but who?

Jaz rolled onto her other side, facing me. She gave me a gentle smile, reaching up to run a hand along my face. Such a tender, soft touch. I couldn’t remember anyone ever touching me like that, let alone look at me with such adoration in their eyes.

“I finally feel like…” She trailed off, biting her lower lip as she tried to think of the words to say. “Like I found somewhere I belong. Where I really, truly belong. I don’t want that to be taken from me because of a crime I didn’t even commit.”

“I won’t let them win,” I promised.

“Yeah,” Dante spoke, “I’ll stab every single person in this town before I let that happen—” When Jaz rolled over to glare at him, he added, “Obviously not mommy dearest, but everyone else is fair game.”

Jaz quieted for a minute. “Even then, it’s like…senior year is almost over. We’re going to graduate. Then what?”

I wished I had an answer for her, I did. I wished I could tell her everything would be okay, that there would be no more loss for any of us, or for the community in Midpark. Frankly, I wished I could lie to her, just to make her feel better. But I wasn’t a liar, not to Jaz. I might’ve said I wouldn’t let them win, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t be a bloody finish. Sometimes you had to fight blood with blood.

I might not know who wanted Jaz to take the fall, but I’d find out, and when I did, they’d wish they never targeted my girl.

Chapter Twenty-Two – Jaz

Mom wasn’t happy with me having a life while being under scrutiny by the police department, but as I kept telling her, I refused to stay in that house and lock myself in my bedroom out of fear. Yes, people kept ending up dead, but it wasn’t my fault. I wasn’t the one doing the killing. Someone else was, and for whatever reason, they want me to look bad.

Besides sleeping with Archer while he was with Brittany, I thought I’d been laying pretty low, but maybe I was wrong.

The only thing that placated my mom was the fact that Jacob was taking me to Archer’s house, and that he’d be watching the entire time. I didn’t want him inside the house, Copyright 2016 - 2024