Reckless (Age of Conquest #5) - Tamara Leigh Page 0,88

“Worry not, Vitalis. It was the prince who arranged for the guards to leave their post so I might visit you.”

His lids narrowed. “Then not only do you defy De Warenne and your family, but Richard defies them.”

“He is our side.”

“I say again—go!”

Wanting to cry over how lonely her fingers felt being on that side with Vitalis who would not even brush their tips, she said, “The prince has bought me half an hour.”


“’Tis a gift I shall not return unopened.”

He took a step back as if to say if she would not leave, as best he could, he would.

Setting her face to the side so she would not block the light squeezing through the riveted metal bars, she surveyed him. He appeared whole, though she knew it was only because Maël ensured he was treated as a captive of great value rather than an animal.

She sighed. “I needed to see you.”

She hoped he would speak again, even if only to say that now she had seen him she should go, but he remained silent as if he feared further rebuke would encourage her to use up every minute the prince had given her.

“Maël assured me you fared well, but I had to see for myself since… Well, would he speak the truth were you not well?”

Vitalis crossed his arms over his chest, and she thought how large he looked in that small space, as further evidenced by a pallet along the side rather than the rear that was too short to accommodate his height. Here the Goliath of him was most evident.

Determined to speak what she had come to tell, she said, “Though it is obvious the prince fears his sire—at least disappointing him—he assures me he will return the mantle piece to William and tell how he gained it. If having spared the king’s life in that cave does not see your own spared, mayhap having mercy on Richard’s life will.”

His jaw shifted, and she tried to guess what his response would be if he did not refuse her one.

“You are thinking that were that possible, of what use?” she ventured. “That as you shall remain a threat whilst you possess the strength and years of a younger man, you will be imprisoned. And what kind of life is that?”

Throat tightening, she swallowed hard. “It is possible you would escape. Just because all appears dark does not make it so. Maël…” She hesitated. Would it give him hope to know her cousin’s tale? Certes, she could trust Vitalis with it.

She glanced down the empty corridor, lowered her voice further. “Maël is no longer of England nor William—though neither knows it. He is here only to aid my brothers in restoring Theriot and me to our family.”

The further furrowing of Vitalis’s brow evidenced his curiosity was roused.

“It is true. It was not the Danes who stole Mercia from Bishop Odo. It was Maël. It was not aboard a Danish ship she crossed the channel. It was an English one. And now the two are wed.” The joy of those tidings once more warming the chill fear within, she smiled. “When Maël has done all he can for me—and you—and Theriot is safe, he shall retrieve Mercia from my sire’s home, and they will make a life together where William cannot touch them. Much hope in that, is there not, Vitalis? Mayhap—”

“Go, Nicola.”

She caught her breath. “I have used barely half my time, and as it may be all that remains to me, I shall not leave you. So if you are going to speak to me, do not waste words on such commands.”

He breathed deep, stepped forward, and set fingers on hers curled over the grate. “I know William is to judge me himself and may appear on the morrow as easily as days or weeks hence. Your cousin does not spare me this, as I would not have him do. I understand you fear for me, but it does neither of us good, just as you being here is of no benefit and could prove detrimental were you discovered or the guards betray the coin paid them. Now—”

“I love you.”

He removed his fingers from hers. “Again, of no benefit. Indeed, burdensome.”

That hurt so much she knew she should let it be, but she said, “Burdensome?”

“I am glad for your cousin and Mercia, but we are not them. Though I care enough for you that I do not wish you the fate of loving someone you cannot and should Copyright 2016 - 2024